Source code for tanium_kit.log_filters

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging
import re

[docs]class RegexLogFilter(logging.Filter): """Die.""" search_regex = None replace_regex = "" filter_mode = "skip" description = "No description provided!" test_str = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" valid_test = "" _EXC = None _MODES = ["skip", "include", "replace"] _TMPL_MODES = ", ".join(_MODES) _TMPL_NEWEXC = "{}\n!!!! WRAPPED INITIAL {}" _TMPL_PREVEXC = "{}\n!!!! WRAPPED PREVIOUS {}" _TMPL_EXC = "EXCEPTION {} in {}" _TATTRS = ["filter_mode", "search_regex", "replace_regex", "description"] _TSTR = ", ".join(["{0}: '{{{0}}}'".format(k) for k in _TATTRS]) _TMPL_THIS = "Log Filter {}".format(_TSTR)
[docs] def __init__(self, search_regex, **kwargs): """Die.""" err1 = "filter_mode '{}' not one of: {} (in {})" err2 = "Search '{}' is not a valid regex, error: {} (in {})" err3 = "Regex filter test using string '{}' failed with error: {} (in {})" err4 = "Regex filter test using string '{}' failed validation, result '{}' != '{}' (in {})" self.search_regex = search_regex self.filter_mode = kwargs.get("filter_mode", self.filter_mode).lower() self.replace_regex = kwargs.get("replace_regex", self.replace_regex) self.description = kwargs.get("description", self.description) self.test_str = kwargs.get("test_str", self.test_str) self.valid_test = kwargs.get("valid_test", self.valid_test) self._EXC = None self._TMPL_THIS = self._TMPL_THIS.format(**vars(self)) if self.filter_mode not in self._MODES: raise Exception(err1.format(self.filter_mode, self._TMPL_MODES, self._TMPL_THIS)) try: self.search_regex = self.convert_re(self.search_regex) except Exception as e: raise Exception(err2.format(self.search_regex, e, self._TMPL_THIS)) try: passed, msg = self.regex_filter(self.test_str) except Exception as e: raise Exception(err3.format(self.test_str, e, self._TMPL_THIS)) if self.valid_test and msg != self.valid_test: raise Exception(err4.format(self.test_str, msg, self.valid_test, self._TMPL_THIS))
[docs] def convert_re(self, x): """Die.""" return re.compile(x) if not isinstance(x, re._pattern_type) else x
[docs] def filter(self, record): """Die.""" ret, record.msg = self.regex_filter(record.msg) return ret
[docs] def regex_filter(self, msg): """Die.""" ret = True if self.filter_mode == "replace": # replacement regex does not get tested unless it matches search regex # we do not want the logging system throwing spurious unexpected exceptions # so we wrap them here. if this filter has previously had an exception, # we do not even try to re-run the re.sub, we just append the previous exception # to the message and return that. if self._EXC: msg = self._TMPL_PREVEXC.format(msg, self._EXC) else: try: msg = self.search_regex.sub(self.replace_regex, msg) except Exception as e: self._EXC = self._TMPL_EXC.format(e, self._TMPL_THIS) msg = self._TMPL_NEWEXC.format(msg, self._EXC) else: found = True if else False ret = found if self.filter_mode == "include" else not found return ret, msg