10.1. Python Package: tanium_hat

Tanium Hygiene Assessment Tool package.

tanium_hat.LOG = <logging.RootLogger object>

Logging object of type logging.Logger used globally throughout this package

Will log using UTC based on bool : tanium_hat.constants.LOG_GMTIME. Will get logging levels from DEBUG AND above.

tanium_hat.LH_CON = <logging.StreamHandler object>

Console handler of type logging.StreamHandler used globally throughout this package

Will log to sys.stdout.

If tanium_hat.constants.DEBUG is True:

If tanium_hat.constants.DEBUG is False:

tanium_hat.TOOL_PATH = '/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat'

The path of this tool, ala /github/tanium_hat

tanium_hat.history_console = None

Stores tanium_kit.history_console.HistoryConsole

Only set if interactive in sys.flags is True, ala “-i” was passed to python command line.