Set of dictionaries defining configuration options for THAT.
The dictionaries are established as collections.OrderedDict so that the options are parsed in order.
Each option defined in each dictionary will look in the configuration file for the option key under the provided section. If not found or the value found is not valid, the user will be prompted to provide the value.
Option Dictionaries used by THAT:
Arguments for options:
= OrderedDict([(u'layouts_path', {u'prompt': u'Path to directory containing layout and pptx files', u'default': u'layouts', u'section': u'tanium_hat', u'force_abs': u'{TOOL_PATH}', u'is_template': True, u'entry': u'layouts_path'}), (u'layout_file', {u'prompt': u'Filename to use as the python layout definitions file', u'default': u'', u'section': u'tanium_hat', u'force_abs': u'{layouts_path}', u'is_template': True, u'entry': u'layout_file'}), (u'pptx_output_file', {u'prompt': u'Filename to use when saving the PPTX file', u'default': u'{now}-{customer_name} Hygiene Assessment.pptx', u'section': u'tanium_hat', u'force_abs': u'{data_path}', u'is_template': True, u'entry': u'pptx_output_file'})])¶Analyze data specific Configuration Options.
= OrderedDict([(u'customer_name', {u'entry': u'customer_name', u'section': u'tanium_hat', u'prompt': u'Customer name', u'is_template': True}), (u'contact_name', {u'entry': u'contact_name', u'section': u'tanium_hat', u'prompt': u'Contact name', u'is_template': True}), (u'data_path', {u'prompt': u'Path to directory to store output files in', u'default': u'data', u'section': u'tanium_hat', u'force_abs': u'{TOOL_PATH}', u'is_template': True, u'entry': u'data_path'}), (u'http_proxy', {u'entry': u'http_proxy', u'section': u'tanium_hat', u'prompt': u'HTTP Proxy for internet requests', u'empty_ok': True}), (u'https_proxy', {u'entry': u'https_proxy', u'section': u'tanium_hat', u'prompt': u'HTTPS Proxy for internet requests', u'empty_ok': True}), (u'get_tanium_data', {u'default': u'yes', u'entry': u'get_tanium_data', u'section': u'tanium_hat', u'is_bool': True, u'prompt': u"Get Data From Tanium Server (Build new CSV's in data directory)"}), (u'enable_all_plugins', {u'default': u'no', u'entry': u'enable_all_plugins', u'section': u'plugins', u'is_bool': True, u'prompt': u'Enable all plugins (do not prompt for each one)'}), (u'get_internet_data', {u'default': u'yes', u'entry': u'get_internet_data', u'section': u'tanium_hat', u'is_bool': True, u'prompt': u'Get Data From Internet (Build new internet_data.csv in data directory)'}), (u'analyze_data', {u'default': u'yes', u'entry': u'analyze_data', u'section': u'tanium_hat', u'is_bool': True, u'prompt': u"Analyze CSV files in data directory (Generate's PPTX file)"})])¶Base Configuration Options.
= OrderedDict([(u'enabled', {u'default': u'yes', u'entry': u'enable_{plugin_name}', u'section': u'plugins', u'is_bool': True, u'prompt': u"Enable plugin '{plugin_name}'"})])¶Plugin specific Configuration Options.
= OrderedDict([(u'question_percent', {u'default': 90, u'entry': u'question_percent', u'section': u'tanium_console', u'is_int': True, u'prompt': u'Consider questions asked by this tool to be complete at this percent of answers returned'}), (u'host', {u'entry': u'host', u'section': u'tanium_console', u'prompt': u'Tanium Server Address/IP'}), (u'port', {u'default': 443, u'entry': u'port', u'section': u'tanium_console', u'is_int': True, u'prompt': u'Tanium Console Port Number'}), (u'username', {u'entry': u'username', u'section': u'tanium_console', u'prompt': u'Tanium Console Username', u'is_crypt': True}), (u'password', {u'entry': u'password', u'section': u'tanium_console', u'prompt': u'Tanium Console Password', u'is_crypt': True})])¶Get Tanium Data specific Configuration Options.