10.1.4. Module: constants

Tanium Hygiene Assessment Tool constant variables.

Used throughout THAT to figure out paths, formatting, logging, and more.

tanium_hat.constants.ALWAYS_ATTRS = [u'MINIMUM_THAT_VERSION', u'VERSION']

Attributes that must be defined in any module file.

tanium_hat.constants.BACKUP_ON_FORMAT = u'D%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S-%f'

Format of datetime to prefix backup filenames.

tanium_hat.constants.BACKUP_PATH = u'/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/backups'

Directory for saving backups of files, ala /github/tanium_hat/backups

tanium_hat.constants.CONFIG_FILE = u'tanium_hat.ini'

Filename to read THAT config items from in TOOL_PATH.

tanium_hat.constants.CONFIG_FILE_PATH = u'/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/tanium_hat.ini'

Full path to read THAT config items from, ala /github/tanium_hat/tanium_hat.ini

tanium_hat.constants.CONSTANTS_FILE = '/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/tanium_hat/constants.py'

Full path to this file, ala /github/tanium_hat/tanium_hat/constants.py

tanium_hat.constants.DEBUG = False

Enable debug logging to console (file always gets debug and above).

tanium_hat.constants.DEBUG_PPTX = False

Enable printing out of both PPTX layouts and final PPTX output file.

tanium_hat.constants.GLOBAL_FILTERS = []

List of pytan filters to add to ALL questions asked by THAT. This can be used to limit data collection to a specific subset of an organization.

Examples: # Limit ALL THAT questions to only ask questions from Windows machines: GLOBAL_FILTERS = [

“Operating System, that contains:Windows”,

] # Limit ALL THAT questions to only ask questions in the Finance AD OU: GLOBAL_FILTERS = [

“AD Organizational Unit, that equals:Finance”,


tanium_hat.constants.HANDLER_EXTRA_ARGS = {u'loglevel': 0}

Dict of extra arguments to pass to PyTan Handler upon instantiating.

tanium_hat.constants.INTERNET_FILE_NAME = u'internet_data.csv'

Filename to write output from get_internet_data mode.

Will be stored in $data_path from config file.

tanium_hat.constants.INTERNET_TEST_URL = u'https://www.google.com'

URL to use to test internet connectivity.

tanium_hat.constants.LAYOUT_ATTRS = [u'PPTX_INPUT_FILE', u'LAYOUTS']

Attributes that must be defined in any layout module file.

Layout module file is $layouts_path/$layout_file from config file.

tanium_hat.constants.LOG_CON_FORMAT = u'[%(name)-22s] %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'

Format for the console output.

tanium_hat.constants.LOG_FILE = u'tanium_hat.log'

Filename to use for log file.

Will be stored in $data_path from config file.

tanium_hat.constants.LOG_FILE_COUNT = 10

Number of rolled over file logs to keep.

tanium_hat.constants.LOG_FILE_FORMAT = u'%(asctime)s [%(name)s] [%(funcName)s] %(levelname)-8s %(message)s'

Format for the file log output.

tanium_hat.constants.LOG_FILE_MB = 10

MB of file log size before rollover.

tanium_hat.constants.LOG_GMTIME = True

Configure pythons logging interface to use gmtime for standardization.

tanium_hat.constants.MODULE_JSON_ITEMS = {u'discover_info': u'plugin/products/discover/info'}

Dict of module urls to get JSON output during get_tanium_data.

tanium_hat.constants.NOISE_VALUES = [u'TSE', u'Error', u'[no results]', u'[current result unavailable]', u'[results currently unavailable]']

Values to remove from columns.

Used by tanium_hat.plugin.Plugin.clean_df() as a default for values.

tanium_hat.constants.NOW_FORMAT = u'%H%M%S-%m%d%Y'

Format for now, for use in filename or layout templates.

tanium_hat.constants.PKG_PATH = '/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/tanium_hat'

Directory containing this package, ala /github/tanium_hat/tanium_hat

tanium_hat.constants.PLUGINS_FOUND = [u'/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/plugins/plugin_adobe.py', u'/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/plugins/plugin_patch2.py', u'/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/plugins/plugin_security.py', u'/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/plugins/plugin_symantec.py', u'/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/plugins/plugin_taniumstats.py', u'/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/plugins/plugin_trendmicro.py', u'/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/plugins/plugin_mcafee.py', u'/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/plugins/plugin_sccm.py', u'/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/plugins/plugin_java.py', u'/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/plugins/plugin_patch.py']

List of plugins found that match PLUGINS_MATCH

tanium_hat.constants.PLUGINS_MATCH = u'/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/plugins/plugin_*.py'

Full path of wildcard match for identifying plugins, ala /github/tanium_hat/plugins/plugin_*

tanium_hat.constants.PLUGINS_PATH = u'/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat/plugins'

Directory holding plugin definition files, ala /github/tanium_hat/plugins


Attributes that must be defined in any plugin module file.

Plugin module file is any path that matches PLUGINS_MATCH.

tanium_hat.constants.PLUGIN_WILD = u'plugin_*.py'

Wildcard used to find plugins in PLUGINS_PATH.

tanium_hat.constants.PREPARED_ON_FORMAT = u'%m/%d/%Y'

Format for prepared_on, for use in filename or layout templates.

tanium_hat.constants.PYTAN_EXPORT_FORMAT = u'csv'

Format to export PyTan results in.

tanium_hat.constants.PYTAN_SSE = False

Use SSE when getting result data via PyTan.

tanium_hat.constants.TOOL_PATH = '/Users/daniel.loffredo/proj/that/tanium_hat'

Directory containing this tool, ala /github/tanium_hat

tanium_hat.constants.ZIP_DEST = u'data_D%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S-%f'

Path to store files inside of zip when zipping up the data directory.

tanium_hat.constants.ZIP_FILE = u'tanium_hat_{customer_name}_data.zip'

Name of zip file to create at end of process.

Supports templating.

Will be stored in $data_path from config file.

tanium_hat.constants.ZIP_REMOVE_OLD = True

Remove old zip file if found when zipping up the data directory.

tanium_hat.constants.ZIP_SKIPS = [u'\\.git', u'.pyc$', u'.zip$']

Patterns to skip when zipping up the data directory.