Once Tanium HAT execution is completed, you will find a complete, fully edited PPTX report in the output/data directory. The location of this directory will depend on what data path was configured during pre-execution stage.
The PowerPoint presentation file requires little to no editing. All Hygiene analyzed results will be automatically saved into the pre-formatted PPTX file.
By default Tanium HAT will add two empty slides to the PPTX file to allow for any custom data (text, images, etc...) that you may want to include in the report. If no additional data, outside of the calculations performed by Tanium HAT, is required, you can safely ignore/delete/hide the two empty slides.
Its also possible to modify the default layout of the PPTX slides, as well have Tanium HAT output the results to an entirely different PPTX file. For more information on how to do this, see item 8. Layout Creator Reference
Please ensure no Analysis or Data Gathering errors ocurred on execution. If there was a problem fetching Tanium Data, or fecthing Internet Data, it is very possible that the Hygiene Analysis results will not be entirely accurate. You can verify no errors ocurred by reviewing Tanium HAT execution output to the screen, or by reviewing the Tanium HAT execution log file.