from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import csv
import logging
import re
import sys
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__.split(".")[-1])
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
if PY3:
string_types = str, # noqa
text_type = str # noqa
import io
String_IO = io.StringIO
text_type = unicode # noqa
string_types = basestring, # noqa
import StringIO
String_IO = StringIO.StringIO
# constants for line feeds
_LF = '\n'
_CR = '\r'
_CRLF = _CR + _LF
[docs]def fix_cr(v, cr):
if isinstance(v, string_types):
v = text_type(cr.join(v.splitlines()))
return v
[docs]class ExcelWriterError(Exception):
[docs]class ExcelWriter(object):
MSGS = []
ROWS = []
CSV = ''
[docs] def run(self, rows, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(rows, (list, tuple)):
err = "rows must be a list of dicts, you supplied: {}"
err = err.format(type(rows).__name__)
raise ExcelWriterError(err)
if not rows:
err = "rows must be a list of dicts, you supplied an empty list"
raise ExcelWriterError(err)
rows = self.process_rows(rows, **kwargs)
headers = self.process_headers(rows, **kwargs)
csv = self.create_csv(rows, headers, **kwargs)
return csv
[docs] def get_cr(self, **kwargs):
valid = ['win', 'windows', 'nix', 'unix', 'mac', 'osx']
cell_lines = kwargs.get('cell_lines', valid[0])
if cell_lines and cell_lines.lower() not in valid:
err = "invalid cell line value {!r}, must be one of: {}"
err = err.format(cell_lines, ', '.join(valid))
raise ExcelWriterError(err)
# join all cell values using windows Excel cell line endings (\r\n)
if cell_lines.lower() == ['win', 'windows']:
cr = _CRLF
# join all cell values using unix line endings (\n)
elif cell_lines.lower() == ['nix', 'unix']:
cr = _LF
# join all cell values using mac Excel cell line endings (\r)
elif cell_lines.lower() in ['mac', 'osx']:
cr = _CR
cr = _CRLF
return cell_lines, cr
[docs] def process_rows(self, rows, **kwargs):
cell_lines, cr = self.get_cr(**kwargs)
# replace all newlines with cell_cr if cell_cr_win is not None
if cell_lines:
rows = [{fix_cr(k, cr): fix_cr(v, cr) for k, v in r.items()} for r in rows]
m = "Forced cell line endings to {!r} for {} rows"
m = m.format(cr, len(rows))
return rows
[docs] def brief_l(self, l):
result = ', '.join([x.splitlines()[0][0:10] for x in l])
return result
[docs] def process_skips(self, headers, **kwargs):
skips = kwargs.get('skips', [])
result = headers
if skips:
result = [h for h in headers if not any([re.match(r, h, re.I) for r in skips])]
m = "Removed headers based on skips: {!r}, new headers: {!r}"
m = m.format(', '.join(skips), self.brief_l(result))
return result
[docs] def process_firsts(self, headers, **kwargs):
firsts = kwargs.get('firsts', [])
result = headers
if firsts:
f = []
for r in firsts:
f += [h for h in headers if re.match(r, h, re.I)]
others = [h for h in headers if h not in f]
result = f + others
m = "firsts: {!r} changed header order to: {!r}"
m = m.format(', '.join(firsts), self.brief_l(result))
return result
[docs] def process_lasts(self, headers, **kwargs):
lasts = kwargs.get('lasts', [])
result = headers
if lasts:
l = []
for r in lasts:
l += [h for h in headers if re.match(r, h, re.I)]
others = [h for h in headers if h not in l]
result = others + l
m = "lasts: {!r} changed header order to: {!r}"
m = m.format(', '.join(lasts), self.brief_l(result))
return result
[docs] def create_csv(self, rows, headers, **kwargs):
ignore_missing = kwargs.get('ignore_missing', True)
quote_all = kwargs.get('quote_all', True)
if ignore_missing:
action = 'ignore'
action = 'raise'
if quote_all is True:
quoting = 'QUOTE_ALL'
elif quote_all is False:
elif quote_all is None:
quoting = 'QUOTE_NONE'
m = "will {} errors if rows have headers that are not one of the {} headers"
m = m.format(action, len(headers))
m = "quoting will {} for CSV output"
m = m.format(quoting)
csvargs = {}
csvargs['fieldnames'] = headers
csvargs['extrasaction'] = action
csvargs['quoting'] = getattr(csv, quoting)
csv_io = String_IO()
writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_io, **csvargs)
csv_str = csv_io.getvalue()
m = "generated {} bytes of csv text using csv.DictWriter()"
m = m.format(len(csv_str))
return csv_str