...CALLING: pytan.handler() with args: {'username': 'Administrator', 'record_all_requests': True, 'loglevel': 1, 'debugformat': False, 'host': '', 'password': 'Tanium2015!', 'port': '443'} ...OUTPUT: handler string: PyTan v2.1.4 Handler for Session to, Authenticated: True, Platform Version: 6.5.314.4301 ...CALLING: handler.get() with args: {'objtype': 'sensor', 'name': ['Computer Name', 'IP Route Details', 'IP Address', 'Folder Contents']} ...CALLING: handler.export_obj() with args {'export_format': u'xml', 'obj': , 'minimal': True} ...OUTPUT: print the export_str returned from export_obj(): Reserved 3409330187 Computer Name 0 0 5 1 86400 String 0 3 The assigned name of the client machine. ..trimmed for brevity..