Get Saved Question Readme

Table of contents:

Help for Get Saved Question -h
usage: [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD]
                             [--session_id SESSION_ID] [--host HOST]
                             [--port PORT] [-l LOGLEVEL] [--debugformat]
                             [--debug_method_locals] [--record_all_requests]
                             [--stats_loop_enabled] [--http_auth_retry]
                             [--http_retry_count HTTP_RETRY_COUNT]
                             [--pytan_user_config PYTAN_USER_CONFIG]
                             [--force_server_version FORCE_SERVER_VERSION]
                             [--all] [--id ID] [--name NAME]
                             [--file REPORT_FILE] [--dir REPORT_DIR]
                             [--export_format {csv,xml,json}]
                             [--sort HEADER_SORT | --no-sort | --auto_sort]
                             [--no-explode-json | --explode-json]
                             [--no-include_type | --include_type]
                             [--no-minimal | --minimal]

Get an object of type: saved_question and save the object to a report file

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Handler Authentication:
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Name of user (default: None)
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password of user (default: None)
  --session_id SESSION_ID
                        Session ID to authenticate with instead of
                        username/password (default: None)
  --host HOST           Hostname/ip of SOAP Server (default: None)
  --port PORT           Port to use when connecting to SOAP Server (default:

Handler Options:
  -l LOGLEVEL, --loglevel LOGLEVEL
                        Logging level to use, increase for more verbosity
                        (default: 0)
  --debugformat         Enable debug format for logging (default: False)
                        Enable debug logging for each methods local variables
                        (default: False)
                        Record all requests in
                        handler.session.ALL_REQUESTS_RESPONSES (default:
  --stats_loop_enabled  Enable the statistics loop (default: False)
  --http_auth_retry     Disable retry on HTTP authentication failures
                        (default: True)
  --http_retry_count HTTP_RETRY_COUNT
                        Retry count for HTTP failures/invalid responses
                        (default: 5)
  --pytan_user_config PYTAN_USER_CONFIG
                        PyTan User Config file to use for PyTan arguments
                        (defaults to: ~/.pytan_config.json) (default: )
  --force_server_version FORCE_SERVER_VERSION
                        Force PyTan to consider the server version as this,
                        instead of relying on the server version derived from
                        the server info page. (default: )

Get Saved question Options:
  --all                 Get all saved_questions (default: False)
  --id ID               id of saved_question to get (default: [])
  --name NAME           name of saved_question to get (default: [])

Report File Options:
  --file REPORT_FILE    File to save report to (will be automatically
                        generated if not supplied) (default: None)
  --dir REPORT_DIR      Directory to save report to (current directory will be
                        used if not supplied) (default: None)

Export Options:
  --export_format {csv,xml,json}
                        Export Format to create report file in, only used if
                        sse = False (default: csv)
  --sort HEADER_SORT    Only for export_format csv, Sort headers by given
                        names (default: [])
  --no-sort             Only for export_format csv, Do not sort the headers at
  --auto_sort           Only for export_format csv, Sort the headers with a
                        basic alphanumeric sort (default)
  --no-explode-json     Only for export_format csv or json, Do not explode any
                        embedded JSON into their own columns
  --explode-json        Only for export_format csv or json, Only for
                        export_format csv, Explode any embedded JSON into
                        their own columns (default)
  --no-include_type     Only for export_format json, Do not include SOAP type
                        in JSON output
  --include_type        Only for export_format json, Include SOAP type in JSON
                        output (default)
  --no-minimal          Only for export_format xml, Produce the full XML
                        representation, including empty attributes
  --minimal             Only for export_format xml, Only include attributes
                        that are not empty (default)


Export all saved_question objects as JSON

bin/ -u Administrator -p 'Tanium2015!' --host --port 443 --loglevel 1 --all --file "/tmp/out.json" --export_format json
PyTan v2.1.6 Handler for Session to, Authenticated: True, Platform Version: 6.5.314.4301
Found items:  SavedQuestionList, len: 107
Report file '/tmp/out.json' written with 152523 bytes


Export all saved_question objects as CSV

bin/ -u Administrator -p 'Tanium2015!' --host --port 443 --loglevel 1 --all --file "/tmp/out.csv"
PyTan v2.1.6 Handler for Session to, Authenticated: True, Platform Version: 6.5.314.4301
Found items:  SavedQuestionList, len: 107
Report file '/tmp/out.csv' written with 27528 bytes


Export all saved_question objects as xml

bin/ -u Administrator -p 'Tanium2015!' --host --port 443 --loglevel 1 --all --file "/tmp/out.xml"
PyTan v2.1.6 Handler for Session to, Authenticated: True, Platform Version: 6.5.314.4301
Found items:  SavedQuestionList, len: 107
Report file '/tmp/out.xml' written with 27528 bytes


generated by: build_bin_doc v2.1.0, date: Fri Oct 2 16:08:30 2015 EDT, Contact info: Jim Olsen