usage: [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD]
[--session_id SESSION_ID]
[--host HOST] [--port PORT]
[-l LOGLEVEL] [--debugformat]
[--http_retry_count HTTP_RETRY_COUNT]
[--pytan_user_config PYTAN_USER_CONFIG]
[--force_server_version FORCE_SERVER_VERSION]
Create an object of type: saved_question from a JSON file
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Handler Authentication:
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
Name of user (default: None)
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Password of user (default: None)
--session_id SESSION_ID
Session ID to authenticate with instead of
username/password (default: None)
--host HOST Hostname/ip of SOAP Server (default: None)
--port PORT Port to use when connecting to SOAP Server (default:
Handler Options:
-l LOGLEVEL, --loglevel LOGLEVEL
Logging level to use, increase for more verbosity
(default: 0)
--debugformat Enable debug format for logging (default: False)
Enable debug logging for each methods local variables
(default: False)
Record all requests in
handler.session.ALL_REQUESTS_RESPONSES (default:
--stats_loop_enabled Enable the statistics loop (default: False)
--http_auth_retry Disable retry on HTTP authentication failures
(default: True)
--http_retry_count HTTP_RETRY_COUNT
Retry count for HTTP failures/invalid responses
(default: 5)
--pytan_user_config PYTAN_USER_CONFIG
PyTan User Config file to use for PyTan arguments
(defaults to: ~/.pytan_config.json) (default: )
--force_server_version FORCE_SERVER_VERSION
Force PyTan to consider the server version as this,
instead of relying on the server version derived from
the server info page. (default: )
Create Saved question from JSON Options:
JSON file to use for creating the object (default: )
Validation Test: exitcode
Validation Test: noerror
bin/ -u Administrator -p 'Tanium2015!' --host --port 443 --loglevel 1 --id 1 --file "/tmp/out.json" --export_format json
PyTan v2.1.6 Handler for Session to, Authenticated: True, Platform Version: 6.5.314.4301
Found items: SavedQuestionList, len: 1
Report file '/tmp/out.json' written with 11886 bytes
Validation Test: exitcode
Validation Test: file_exist_contents
"_type": "saved_questions",
"saved_question": [
"_type": "saved_question",
"action_tracking_flag": 0,
"archive_enabled_flag": 0,
"archive_owner": {
"_type": "user"
...trimmed for brevity...
perl -p -i -e 's/^( "(name|url_regex)": ".*)"/$1 CMDLINE TEST 3211"/gm' /tmp/out.json && cat /tmp/out.json
"_type": "saved_questions",
"saved_question": [
"_type": "saved_question",
"action_tracking_flag": 0,
"archive_enabled_flag": 0,
"archive_owner": {
"_type": "user"
"expire_seconds": 600,
"hidden_flag": 0,
"id": 1,
"issue_seconds": 120,
"issue_seconds_never_flag": 0,
"keep_seconds": 0,
"mod_time": "2015-09-14T13:39:17",
"mod_user": {
"_type": "user",
"name": "Administrator"
"most_recent_question_id": 16056,
"name": "Has Tanium Standard Utilities CMDLINE TEST 3211",
"packages": {
"_type": "package_specs",
"package_spec": [
"_type": "package_spec",
"id": 23,
"name": "Distribute Tanium Standard Utilities"
"public_flag": 1,
"query_text": "Get Has Tanium Standard Utilities from all machines",
"question": {
"_type": "question",
"action_tracking_flag": 0,
"expiration": "2015-10-02T19:49:24",
"expire_seconds": 0,
"force_computer_id_flag": 0,
"hidden_flag": 0,
"id": 16056,
"management_rights_group": {
"_type": "group",
"id": 0
"query_text": "Get Has Tanium Standard Utilities from all machines",
"saved_question": {
"_type": "saved_question",
"id": 1
"selects": {
"_type": "selects",
"select": [
"_type": "select",
"filter": {
"_type": "filter",
"all_times_flag": 0,
"all_values_flag": 0,
"delimiter_index": 0,
"end_time": "2001-01-01T00:00:00",
"ignore_case_flag": 1,
"max_age_seconds": 0,
"not_flag": 0,
"operator": "Less",
"start_time": "2001-01-01T00:00:00",
"substring_flag": 0,
"substring_length": 0,
"substring_start": 0,
"utf8_flag": 0,
"value_type": "String"
"sensor": {
"_type": "sensor",
"category": "Tanium",
"creation_time": "2015-09-14T13:39:11",
"delimiter": ",",
"description": "Returns whether a machine has the Tanium Standard Utilities\nExample: Yes",
"exclude_from_parse_flag": 1,
"hash": 1782389954,
"hidden_flag": 0,
"id": 190,
"ignore_case_flag": 1,
"last_modified_by": "Administrator",
"max_age_seconds": 900,
"modification_time": "2015-09-14T13:39:11",
"name": "Has Tanium Standard Utilities",
"queries": {
"_type": "queries",
"query": [
"_type": "query",
"platform": "Windows",
"script": "'========================================\n' Has Tanium Standard Utilities\n'========================================\n\n' this action will look to see if the client has\n' all necessary standard utilities files\n\nOption Explicit\n'--------------------\n' Set These Variables\nDim strDesiredVersion,strDesiredFCIVVersion,strDesiredGrepBinaryVersion\nDim strDesiredGrepDepVersion,strGrepDepFileVersion,strGrepBinaryFileVersion\n\n' a string value which is a version like\n' 4.2.314.7111\n' which is used to determine whether the bundle has the correct version\n' updating the content will cause the bundle number to change and all files will\n' be sent to the endpoint again. This is to handle the case where\n' binary files are not versioned, such as with Yara\n\n' The top line of the version file\n'Tanium File Version: <version string below>\nstrDesiredVersion = ""\n\n' -------------------\n' Binaries we can version\nstrDesiredGrepBinaryVersion = ""\nstrDesiredGrepDepVersion = "1.12.2872.39125"\n\nDim objFSO\nDim strDirToCheck,objTextFile\nDim bHasAllLatestFiles,arrTextFilesToCheck,strFile,strVersionLine,strFileVersion\nDim strFCIVFile,strFCIVFileVersion,strGrepBinary,strGrepDep,strHandleTool,strListDLLs2\nDim strListDLLs,strStreamsTool,strAutorunsTool\nDim strYara,strYarac\n\nSet objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")\n\nstrDirToCheck = GetTaniumDir("Tools\\StdUtils")\n\narrTextFilesToCheck = Array("copy-to-tanium-dir-predist.vbs","runas-allusers-wrapper.vbs","ver\\bundle.cfg")\n\n' Grep is required\nstrGrepBinary=strDirToCheck&"grep\\bin\\grep.exe"\nstrGrepDep=strDirToCheck&"grep\\bin\\libiconv2.dll"\n\n'Yara binaries are required\nstrYara=strDirToCheck&"yara\\yara"&GetBitness&".exe"\nstrYarac=strDirToCheck&"yara\\yarac"&GetBitness&".exe"\n\nbHasAllLatestFiles = True\nFor Each strFile In arrTextFilesToCheck\n\tIf Not objFSO.FileExists(strDirToCheck&strFile) Then\n\t\tWScript.Echo "Missing " & strFile\n\t\tbHasAllLatestFiles = False\n\tEnd If\n\tIf objFSO.FileExists(strDirToCheck&strFile) Then\n\t\tSet objTextFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strDirToCheck&strFile)\n\t\tstrVersionLine = LCase(objTextFile.ReadLine()) ' version is at top of line\n\t\tIf Not InStr(strVersionLine,"tanium file version:") > 0 Then ' must have a version number in top line\n\t\t\tWScript.Echo strFile&" is not versioned on line 1"\n\t\t\tbHasAllLatestFiles = False\n\t\tElse ' we have a version number, not split to check\n\t\t\tstrFileVersion = Split(strVersionLine,"tanium file version:")(1)\n\t\t\tIf Trim(strFileVersion) <> Trim(strDesiredVersion) Then\n\t\t\t\tWScript.Echo strFile&" version: "&strFileVersion&", needs: "&strDesiredVersion\n\t\t\t\tbHasAllLatestFiles = False\n\t\t\tEnd If\n\t\tEnd If\n\t\tobjTextFile.Close\n\tEnd If\nNext\n\n' check a Grep dependency\nIf Not objFSO.FileExists(strGrepDep) Then\n\tWScript.Echo "Missing " & strGrepDep\n\tbHasAllLatestFiles = False\nEnd If\nIf objFSO.FileExists(strGrepDep) Then\n\n\tstrGrepDepFileVersion = objFSO.GetFileVersion(strGrepDep)\n\tIf Not strGrepDepFileVersion = strDesiredGrepDepVersion Then\n\t\tbHasAllLatestFiles = False\n\t\tWScript.Echo strGrepDep &" version: "&strGrepDepFileVersion&", needs: "&strDesiredGrepDepVersion\n\tEnd If\nEnd If\n\n\n' check Grep binary\nIf Not objFSO.FileExists(strGrepBinary) Then\n\tWScript.Echo "Missing " & strGrepBinary\n\tbHasAllLatestFiles = False\nEnd If\nIf objFSO.FileExists(strGrepBinary) Then\n\tstrGrepBinaryFileVersion = GetFileVersion(strGrepBinary)\n\tIf Not strGrepBinaryFileVersion = strDesiredGrepBinaryVersion Then\n\t\tbHasAllLatestFiles = False\n\t\tWScript.Echo strGrepBinary &" version: "&strGrepBinaryFileVersion&", needs: "&strDesiredGrepBinaryVersion\n\tEnd If\nEnd If\n\nIf Not objFSO.FileExists(strYara) Then\n\tbHasAllLatestFiles = False\n\tWScript.Echo "Missing " & strYara\nEnd If\n\nIf Not objFSO.FileExists(strYarac) Then\n\tbHasAllLatestFiles = False\n\tWScript.Echo "Missing " & strYarac\nEnd If\n\nIf bHasAllLatestFiles Then\n\tWScript.Echo "Yes"\nElse\n\tWScript.Echo "No"\nEnd If\n\nFunction GetFileVersion(strPath)\n\tDim objFSO\n\tSet objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")\n\tIf objFSO.FileExists(strPath) Then\n\t\tGetFileVersion = objFSO.GetFileVersion(strPath)\n\tElse\n\t\tGetFileVersion = -1\n\tEnd If\nEnd Function 'GetFileVersion\n\nFunction GetTaniumDir(strSubDir)\n\tDim strComputer, key32path, key64path, keyPath, reg\n\tDim strPath\n\tstrComputer = "."\n\tConst HKLM = &h80000002\n\n\tkey32Path = "Software\\Tanium\\Tanium Client"\n\tkey64Path = "Software\\Wow6432Node\\Tanium\\Tanium Client"\n\n\tSet reg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\\\" & strComputer & "\\root\\default:StdRegProv")\n\n\tIf RegKeyExists(reg, HKLM, key64Path) Then\n\t\tkeyPath = key64Path\n\tElseIf RegKeyExists(reg, HKLM, key32Path) Then\n\t\tkeyPath = key32Path\n\tEnd If\n\n\treg.GetStringValue HKLM,keyPath,"Path", strPath\n\n\tIf strSubDir <> "" Then\n\t\tstrSubDir = "\\" & strSubDir\n\tEnd If\n\n\tDim fso\n\tSet fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")\n\tIf fso.FolderExists(strPath) Then\n\t\tIf Not fso.FolderExists(strPath & strSubDir) Then\n\t\t\tfso.CreateFolder(strPath & strSubDir)\n\t\tEnd If\n\t\tGetTaniumDir = strPath & strSubDir & "\\"\n\tEnd If\nEnd Function\n\nFunction RegKeyExists(objRegistry, sHive, sRegKey)\n\tDim aValueNames, aValueTypes\n\tIf objRegistry.EnumValues(sHive, sRegKey, aValueNames, aValueTypes) = 0 Then\n\t\tRegKeyExists = True\n\tElse\n\t\tRegKeyExists = False\n\tEnd If\nEnd Function\n\n\nFunction GetBitness\n\tIf Not Is64 Then\n\t\tGetBitness = "32"\n\tElse\n\t\tGetBitness = "64"\n\tEnd If\nEnd Function 'GetBitness\n\nFunction Is64\n\tDim objWMIService, colItems, objItem\n\tSet objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\\\.\\root\\CIMV2")\n\tSet colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select SystemType from Win32_ComputerSystem")\n\tFor Each objItem In colItems\n\t\tIf InStr(LCase(objItem.SystemType), "x64") > 0 Then\n\t\t\tIs64 = True\n\t\tElse\n\t\t\tIs64 = False\n\t\tEnd If\n\tNext\nEnd Function ' Is64",
"script_type": "VBScript"
"_type": "query",
"platform": "Linux",
"script": "#!/bin/sh\n\n# THIS IS A STUB - NOT INTENDED AS FUNCTIONAL - NA\n# \n# \n\necho "N/A on Linux"\n",
"script_type": "UnixShell"
"_type": "query",
"platform": "Mac",
"script": "#!/bin/sh\n\n# THIS IS A STUB - NOT INTENDED AS FUNCTIONAL - NA\n# \n# \n\necho "N/A on Mac"\n",
"script_type": "UnixShell"
"_type": "query",
"platform": "Solaris",
"script": "#!/bin/sh\n\n# THIS IS A STUB - NOT INTENDED AS FUNCTIONAL - NA\n# \n# \n\necho "N/A on Solaris"\n",
"script_type": "UnixShell"
"_type": "query",
"platform": "AIX",
"script": "#!/bin/sh\n\n# THIS IS A STUB - NOT INTENDED AS FUNCTIONAL - NA\n# \n# \n\necho "N/A on AIX"\n",
"script_type": "UnixShell"
"source_id": 0,
"string_count": 5,
"value_type": "String"
"skip_lock_flag": 0,
"user": {
"_type": "user",
"id": 1,
"name": "Administrator"
"row_count_flag": 0,
"sort_column": 0,
"user": {
"_type": "user",
"id": 1,
"name": "Administrator"
Validation Test: exitcode
Validation Test: file_exist
Validation Test: noerror
bin/ -u Administrator -p 'Tanium2015!' --host --port 443 --loglevel 1 -j "/tmp/out.json"
PyTan v2.1.6 Handler for Session to, Authenticated: True, Platform Version: 6.5.314.4301
Created item: SavedQuestion, name: 'Has Tanium Standard Utilities CMDLINE TEST 3211', id: 126, ID: 126
Validation Test: exitcode
Validation Test: noerror
build_bin_doc v2.1.0
, date: Fri Oct 2 16:06:23 2015 EDT, Contact info: Jim Olsen