Ask Parsed Readme

Table of contents:

Help for Ask Parsed -h
usage: [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD]
                     [--session_id SESSION_ID] [--host HOST] [--port PORT]
                     [-l LOGLEVEL] [--debugformat] [--debug_method_locals]
                     [--record_all_requests] [--stats_loop_enabled]
                     [--http_auth_retry] [--http_retry_count HTTP_RETRY_COUNT]
                     [--pytan_user_config PYTAN_USER_CONFIG]
                     [--force_server_version FORCE_SERVER_VERSION] -q
                     QUESTION_TEXT [--picker PICKER]
                     [--no-results | --results] [--file REPORT_FILE]
                     [--dir REPORT_DIR] [--enable_sse | --disable_sse]
                     [--sse_format {csv,xml,xml_obj,cef}] [--leading LEADING]
                     [--trailing TRAILING] [--export_format {csv,xml,json}]
                     [--sort HEADER_SORT | --no-sort | --auto_sort]
                     [--add-sensor | --no-add-sensor]
                     [--add-type | --no-add-type]
                     [--expand-columns | --no-columns]

Ask a parsed question and save the results as a report format

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

Handler Authentication:
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        Name of user (default: None)
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        Password of user (default: None)
  --session_id SESSION_ID
                        Session ID to authenticate with instead of
                        username/password (default: None)
  --host HOST           Hostname/ip of SOAP Server (default: None)
  --port PORT           Port to use when connecting to SOAP Server (default:

Handler Options:
  -l LOGLEVEL, --loglevel LOGLEVEL
                        Logging level to use, increase for more verbosity
                        (default: 0)
  --debugformat         Enable debug format for logging (default: False)
                        Enable debug logging for each methods local variables
                        (default: False)
                        Record all requests in
                        handler.session.ALL_REQUESTS_RESPONSES (default:
  --stats_loop_enabled  Enable the statistics loop (default: False)
  --http_auth_retry     Disable retry on HTTP authentication failures
                        (default: True)
  --http_retry_count HTTP_RETRY_COUNT
                        Retry count for HTTP failures/invalid responses
                        (default: 5)
  --pytan_user_config PYTAN_USER_CONFIG
                        PyTan User Config file to use for PyTan arguments
                        (defaults to: ~/.pytan_config.json) (default: )
  --force_server_version FORCE_SERVER_VERSION
                        Force PyTan to consider the server version as this,
                        instead of relying on the server version derived from
                        the server info page. (default: )

Parsed Question Options:
  -q QUESTION_TEXT, --question_text QUESTION_TEXT
                        The question text you want the server to parse into a
                        list of parsed results (default: )
  --picker PICKER       The index number of the parsed results that correlates
                        to the actual question you wish to run -- you can get
                        this by running this once without it to print out a
                        list of indexes (default: None)
  --no-results          Do not get the results after asking the quesiton
  --results             Get the results after asking the quesiton (default)
                        (default: True)

Report File Options:
  --file REPORT_FILE    File to save report to (will be automatically
                        generated if not supplied) (default: None)
  --dir REPORT_DIR      Directory to save report to (current directory will be
                        used if not supplied) (default: None)

Export Options:
  --enable_sse          Perform a server side export when getting data
                        (default: True)
  --disable_sse         Perform a normal get result data export when getting
                        data (default: True)
  --sse_format {csv,xml,xml_obj,cef}
                        If sse = True, perform server side export in this
                        format (default: xml_obj)
  --leading LEADING     If sse = True, and sse_format = "cef", prepend each
                        row with this text (default: )
  --trailing TRAILING   If sse = True, and sse_format = "cef", append each row
                        with this text (default: )
  --export_format {csv,xml,json}
                        Export Format to create report file in, only used if
                        sse = False (default: csv)
  --sort HEADER_SORT    For export_format: csv, Sort headers by given names
                        (default: [])
  --no-sort             For export_format: csv, Do not sort the headers at all
  --auto_sort           For export_format: csv, Sort the headers with a basic
                        alphanumeric sort (default)
  --add-sensor          For export_format: csv, Add the sensor names to each
  --no-add-sensor       For export_format: csv, Do not add the sensor names to
                        each header (default)
  --add-type            For export_format: csv, Add the result type to each
  --no-add-type         For export_format: csv, Do not add the result type to
                        each header (default)
  --expand-columns      For export_format: csv, Expand multi-line cells into
                        their own rows that have sensor correlated columns in
                        the new rows
  --no-columns          For export_format: csv, Do not add expand multi-line
                        cells into their own rows (default)


Ask a parsed question example 1

bin/ -u Administrator -p 'Tanium2015!' --host --port 443 --loglevel 1 -q "get computer name"
PyTan v2.1.6 Handler for Session to, Authenticated: True, Platform Version: 6.5.314.4301
++ Asking parsed question:
  "get_results": true, 
  "picker": null, 
  "question_text": "get computer name"
2015-10-02 20:05:49,235 CRITICAL pytan.handler: You must supply an index as picker=$index to choose one of the parse responses -- re-run ask_parsed with picker set to one of these indexes!!
2015-10-02 20:05:49,235 CRITICAL pytan.handler: Index 1, Score: 6823, Query: 'Get Computer Name from all machines'
2015-10-02 20:05:49,235 CRITICAL pytan.handler: Index 2, Score: 1292, Query: 'Get Computer ID from all machines'
2015-10-02 20:05:49,235 CRITICAL pytan.handler: Index 3, Score: 646, Query: 'Get Computer ID containing "name" from all machines'
2015-10-02 20:05:49,235 CRITICAL pytan.handler: Index 4, Score: 457, Query: 'Get AD Computer Groups from all machines'
2015-10-02 20:05:49,235 CRITICAL pytan.handler: Index 5, Score: 323, Query: 'Get BIOS Name from all machines'
2015-10-02 20:05:49,235 CRITICAL pytan.handler: Index 6, Score: 228, Query: 'Get Computer Serial Number from all machines'
2015-10-02 20:05:49,235 CRITICAL pytan.handler: Index 7, Score: 228, Query: 'Get Domain Name from all machines'

Error occurred: You must supply an index as picker=$index to choose one of the parse responses -- re-run ask_parsed with picker set to one of these indexes!!
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/jolsen/gh/pytan/lib/pytan/", line 2585, in process_ask_parsed_args
    response = handler.ask(qtype='parsed', **obj_grp_args)
  File "/Users/jolsen/gh/pytan/lib/pytan/", line 388, in ask
    result = method(**clean_kwargs)
  File "/Users/jolsen/gh/pytan/lib/pytan/", line 828, in ask_parsed
    raise pytan.exceptions.PickerError(pw())
PickerError: You must supply an index as picker=$index to choose one of the parse responses -- re-run ask_parsed with picker set to one of these indexes!!


Ask a parsed question example 2

bin/ -u Administrator -p 'Tanium2015!' --host --port 443 --loglevel 1 -q "get computer name" --picker 1 --file "/tmp/out.csv"
PyTan v2.1.6 Handler for Session to, Authenticated: True, Platform Version: 6.5.314.4301
++ Asking parsed question:
  "get_results": true, 
  "picker": 1, 
  "question_text": "get computer name"
2015-10-02 20:05:54,708 INFO     pytan.pollers.QuestionPoller: ID 16103: Reached Threshold of 99% (3 of 3)
++ Asked Question 'Get Computer Name from all machines' ID: 16103
++ Report file '/tmp/out.csv' written with 81 bytes
Computer Name


Ask a parsed question example 3

bin/ -u Administrator -p 'Tanium2015!' --host --port 443 --loglevel 1 -q "get computer name and ip route details" --picker 1 --file "/tmp/out.csv"
PyTan v2.1.6 Handler for Session to, Authenticated: True, Platform Version: 6.5.314.4301
++ Asking parsed question:
  "get_results": true, 
  "picker": 1, 
  "question_text": "get computer name and ip route details"
2015-10-02 20:06:00,223 INFO     pytan.pollers.QuestionPoller: ID 16104: Reached Threshold of 99% (3 of 3)
++ Asked Question 'Get Computer Name and IP Route Details from all machines' ID: 16104
++ Report file '/tmp/out.csv' written with 678 bytes
Computer Name,Destination,Flags,Gateway,Interface,Mask,Metric
...trimmed for brevity...


Ask a parsed question example 4

bin/ -u Administrator -p 'Tanium2015!' --host --port 443 --loglevel 1 -q "get computer name and ip route details" --picker 1 --no-results
PyTan v2.1.6 Handler for Session to, Authenticated: True, Platform Version: 6.5.314.4301
++ Asking parsed question:
  "get_results": false, 
  "picker": 1, 
  "question_text": "get computer name and ip route details"
++ Asked Question 'Get Computer Name and IP Route Details from all machines' ID: 16105
++ No action results returned, run to get the results


generated by: build_bin_doc v2.1.0, date: Fri Oct 2 16:06:00 2015 EDT, Contact info: Jim Olsen