Source code for taniumpy.object_types.result_set

from .column_set import ColumnSet
from .row import Row
from .sensor import Sensor
import csv
import json
import re
from collections import OrderedDict

[docs]class ResultSet(object): """Wrap the result of GetResultData""" def __init__(self): self.age = None = None self.report_count = None self.question_id = None self.archived_question_id = None self.seconds_since_issued = None self.issue_seconds = None self.expire_seconds = None self.tested = None self.passed = None self.mr_tested = None self.mr_passed = None self.estimated_total = None self.select_count = None self.row_count = None self.error_count = None self.no_result_count = None self.row_count_machines = None self.row_count_flag = None self.columns = None self.rows = None self.cache_id = None self.expiration = None self.filtered_row_count = None self.filtered_row_count_machines = None self.item_count = None def __str__(self): class_name = self.__class__.__name__ q_id = getattr(self, 'question_id', -1) r_cols = len(getattr(self, 'columns', []) or []) total_rows = getattr(self, 'row_count', -1) current_rows = len(getattr(self, 'rows', [])) est_total = getattr(self, 'estimated_total', -1) passed = getattr(self, 'passed', -1) mr_passed = getattr(self, 'mr_passed', -1) tested = getattr(self, 'tested', -1) mr_tested = getattr(self, 'mr_tested', -1) ret_str = ( '{} for ID {!r}, Columns: {}, Total Rows: {}, Current Rows: {}, EstTotal: {}, ' 'Passed: {}, MrPassed: {}, Tested: {}, MrTested: {}' ).format ret = ret_str(class_name, q_id, r_cols, total_rows, current_rows, est_total, passed, mr_passed, tested, mr_tested) return ret @classmethod
[docs] def fromSOAPElement(cls, el): # noqa """Deserialize a ResultSet from a result_set SOAPElement""" result = ResultSet() for property in vars(result): if property in ['column_set', 'row_set']: continue val = el.find('.//{}'.format(property)) if val is not None and val.text: setattr(result, property, int(val.text)) val = el.find('.//cs') if val is not None: result.columns = ColumnSet.fromSOAPElement(val) result.rows = [] # TODO: Make sure that each "r" is a row, with one value # per column in "c/v". This was tested with just one client. rows = el.findall('.//rs/r') for row in rows: result.rows.append(Row.fromSOAPElement(row, result.columns)) return result
[docs] def to_jsonable(self, **kwargs): result = [] for idx, r in enumerate(self.rows): new_row = [] for h in self.columns: row_col = { 'column.display_name': h.display_name, 'column.what_hash': h.what_hash, 'column.result_type': h.result_type, 'column.values': r[h.display_name], } new_row.append(row_col) new_row = {'row{}'.format(idx): new_row} result.append(new_row) return result
[docs] def to_json(jsonable, **kwargs): """Convert to a json string. jsonable must be a ResultSet instance """ if not isinstance(jsonable, ResultSet): raise Exception("{} is not a ResultSet instance!".format(jsonable)) return json.dumps( jsonable.to_jsonable(**kwargs), sort_keys=True, indent=2, )
[docs] def write_csv(fd, val, **kwargs): def get_sort_headers(val, **kwargs): '''returns a list of sorted headers (Column names) ''' header_sort = kwargs.get('header_sort', []) header_add_sensor = kwargs.get('header_add_sensor', False) header_add_type = kwargs.get('header_add_type', False) sensors = kwargs.get('sensors', []) headers = [] for h in val.columns: h_name = h.display_name h_hash = h.what_hash h_type = h.result_type h_post = '' h_pre = '' ''' if header is 'Count', check all row vals and if all are == 1, skip adding 'Count' header ''' if h_name == 'Count': count_vals = [int(r['Count'][0]) for r in val.rows] count_gt_one = any([c > 1 for c in count_vals]) if not count_gt_one: continue ''' If kwargs has 'header_add_sensor=True': look for 'sensors' in kwargs, if not there, throw exception try to get matching sensor based off of what_hash if no matching what_hash or sensor is not Sensor object, throw exception set h_pre to sensor name ''' if header_add_sensor is True: if not sensors or type(sensors) not in [tuple, list]: err = ( "Must supply list of sensors used to produce this ResultSet in order " "to add sensor name to columns!" ) raise Exception(err) match = None for s in sensors: if not isinstance(s, Sensor): err = "{} is not a Sensor object".format(s) raise Exception(err) if s.hash == h_hash: match = break if h_name != 'Count': if not match: err = ( "Unable to find sensor matching what_hash {} in 'sensors' list!" ).format(h_hash) raise Exception(err) h_pre = '{}: '.format(match) ''' If kwargs has 'header_add_type=True': set h_post to h_type ''' if header_add_type is True: h_post = ' ({})'.format(h_type) ''' add a dictionary to sorted headers: { name: (without mods), mod_name: (with mods), hash: columns related sensor hash, } ''' headers.append({ 'name': h_name, 'mod_name': '{}{}{}'.format(h_pre, h_name, h_post), 'hash': h_hash, }) ''' If kwargs has 'header_sort': if header_sort == False, do no sorting if header_sort == [] or True, do sorted(headers) if header_sort == ['col1', 'col2'], do sorted(headers), then put those headers first in order if they exist ''' if header_sort is False: return headers elif header_sort is True: pass elif not type(header_sort) in [list, tuple]: raise Exception("header_sort must be a list!") # sort off of mod_name so that if sensor name is added to column # column name, sensor related columns will be grouped together sorted_headers = sorted( headers, key=lambda k: k['mod_name'] ) if header_sort is True or not header_sort: return sorted_headers custom_sorted_headers = [] for hs in header_sort: for hidx, h in enumerate(sorted_headers): if h['name'].lower() == hs.lower(): custom_sorted_headers.append(sorted_headers.pop(hidx)) # append the rest of the sorted_headers that didn't # match header_sort custom_sorted_headers += sorted_headers return custom_sorted_headers def get_rows(val, headers, **kwargs): expand_grouped_columns = kwargs.get('expand_grouped_columns', False) rows = [[[str(v) for v in row[h['name']]] for h in headers] for row in val.rows] if expand_grouped_columns: rows = expand_rows(rows, headers) rows = [[fix_newlines('\n'.join(vals)) for vals in row] for row in rows] return rows def expand_rows(rows, headers): new_rows = [] for row in rows: # if this row has no multi value rows (more than one value) # to expand, then just add it back into new rows and move on # to next one multi_vals = [len(v) > 1 for v in row] if not any(multi_vals): new_rows.append(row) continue new_rows += build_new_rows(row, headers) return new_rows def build_new_rows(row, headers): ''' for each row in rows for each value_list in each row if the value_list len is 1, skip if the value_list len is more than 1, get all correlated columns, for each value in value_list, build a new row with index correlation from other multi val correlated columns, empty for non correlated multi val columns, and value copy for non correlated single columns ''' new_rows = [] done_hash = [] for vals_idx, vals in enumerate(row): # don't expand single value row entries, they will be # added to each expanded row if not len(vals) > 1: continue # get this values header val_h = headers[vals_idx] if val_h['hash'] in done_hash: continue done_hash.append(val_h['hash']) # get all the related headers to this values header # (headers with same sensor hash) h_friends = [h for h in headers if h['hash'] == val_h['hash']] # build out a new row for each related multi value for val_idx, val in enumerate(vals): new_rows.append(build_new_row(row, val_idx, h_friends, headers, val_h)) return new_rows def build_new_row(row, val_idx, h_friends, headers, val_h): new_row = OrderedDict() for h_idx, h in enumerate(headers): h_hash = h['hash'] h_name = h['name'] if h_hash not in [f['hash'] for f in h_friends]: if len(row[h_idx]) == 1: # if this column is not correlated to the column we # are working on and it's a single value, set # it to the same value in the new row new_row[h_name] = row[h_idx] else: # if this column is not correlated to the column we are # working on and it is a multi value, set it # to "UNRELATED" new_row[h_name] = ["UNRELATED TO {}".format(val_h['mod_name'])] else: # if this column is correlated to the column we are # working on, set the value to the indexed value of this # value new_row[h_name] = [row[h_idx][val_idx]] new_row = new_row.values() return new_row def fix_newlines(val): if type(val) == str: # turn \n into \r\n val = re.sub(r"([^\r])\n", r"\1\r\n", val) return val if not isinstance(val, ResultSet): raise Exception("{} is not a ResultSet instance!".format(val)) if val.columns is None: raise Exception("{} has no columns!".format(val)) headers = get_sort_headers(val, **kwargs) rows = get_rows(val, headers, **kwargs) writer = csv.writer(fd) writer.writerow([h['mod_name'] for h in headers]) writer.writerows(rows)