Source code for pytan.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- mode: Python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
# ex: set tabstop=4
# Please do not change the two lines above. See PEP 8, PEP 263.
"""Collection of classes and methods used throughout :mod:`pytan`"""
import sys

# disable python from creating .pyc files everywhere
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True

import os
import socket
import time
import logging
import json
import datetime
import re
import itertools
import base64
from collections import OrderedDict

my_file = os.path.abspath(__file__)
my_dir = os.path.dirname(my_file)
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(my_dir)
path_adds = [parent_dir]
[sys.path.insert(0, aa) for aa in path_adds if aa not in sys.path]

import taniumpy
import xmltodict
import pytan

__version__ = pytan.__version__

mylog = logging.getLogger("pytan.handler")
humanlog = logging.getLogger("pytan.handler.ask_manual_human")
manuallog = logging.getLogger("pytan.handler.ask_manual")
prettylog = logging.getLogger("pytan.handler.prettybody")
timinglog = logging.getLogger("pytan.handler.timing")


[docs]class SplitStreamHandler(logging.Handler): """Custom :class:`logging.Handler` class that sends all messages that are logging.INFO and below to STDOUT, and all messages that are logging.WARNING and above to STDERR """ def __init__(self): logging.Handler.__init__(self)
[docs] def emit(self, record): try: msg = self.format(record) if record.levelno < logging.WARNING: stream = sys.stdout else: stream = sys.stderr fs = "%s\n" try: is_unicode = isinstance(msg, unicode) if is_unicode and getattr(stream, 'encoding', None): ufs = u'%s\n' try: stream.write(ufs % msg) except UnicodeEncodeError: stream.write((ufs % msg).encode(stream.encoding)) else: stream.write(fs % msg) except UnicodeError: stream.write(fs % msg.encode("UTF-8")) self.flush() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: self.handleError(record)
[docs]def is_list(l): """returns True if `l` is a list, False if not""" return type(l) in [list, tuple]
[docs]def is_str(l): """returns True if `l` is a string, False if not""" return type(l) in [unicode, str]
[docs]def is_dict(l): """returns True if `l` is a dictionary, False if not""" return type(l) in [dict, OrderedDict]
[docs]def is_num(l): """returns True if `l` is a number, False if not""" return type(l) in [float, int, long]
[docs]def jsonify(v, indent=2, sort_keys=True): """Turns python object `v` into a pretty printed JSON string Parameters ---------- v : object * python object to convert to JSON indent : int, 2 * number of spaces to indent JSON string when pretty printing sort_keys : bool, True * sort keys of JSON string when pretty printing Returns ------- str : * JSON pretty printed string """ return json.dumps(v, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys)
[docs]def get_now(): """Get current time in human friendly format Returns ------- str : str of current time return from :func:`human_time` """ return human_time(time.localtime())
[docs]def human_time(t, tformat='%Y_%m_%d-%H_%M_%S-%Z'): """Get time in human friendly format Parameters ---------- t : int, float, time * either a unix epoch or struct_time object to convert to string tformat : str, optional * format of string to convert time to Returns ------- str : * `t` converted to str """ if is_num(t): t = time.localtime(t) return time.strftime(tformat, t)
[docs]def seconds_from_now(secs=0, tz='utc'): """Get time in Tanium SOAP API format `secs` from now Parameters ---------- secs : int * seconds from now to get time str tz : str, optional * time zone to return string in, default is 'utc' - supplying anything else will supply local time Returns ------- str : * time `secs` from now in Tanium SOAP API format """ if secs is None: secs = 0 if tz == 'utc': now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() else: now = from_now = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=secs) # now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') return from_now.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
[docs]def timestr_to_datetime(timestr): """Get a datetime.datetime object for `timestr` Parameters ---------- timestr : str * date & time in taniums format Returns ------- datetime.datetime * the datetime object for the timestr """ return datetime.datetime.strptime(timestr, pytan.constants.TIME_FORMAT)
[docs]def datetime_to_timestr(dt): """Get a timestr for `dt` Parameters ---------- dt : datetime.datetime * datetime object Returns ------- timestr: str * the timestr for `dt` in taniums format """ return dt.strftime(pytan.constants.TIME_FORMAT)
[docs]def port_check(address, port, timeout=5): """Check if `address`:`port` can be reached within `timeout` Parameters ---------- address : str * hostname/ip address to check `port` on port : int * port to check on `address` timeout : int, optional * timeout after N seconds of not being able to connect Returns ------- :mod:`socket` or False : * if connection succeeds, the socket object is returned, else False is returned """ try: return socket.create_connection((address, port), timeout) except socket.error: return False
[docs]def test_app_port(host, port): """Validates that `host`:`port` can be reached using :func:`port_check` Parameters ---------- host : str * hostname/ip address to check `port` on port : int * port to check on `host` Raises ------ pytan.exceptions.HandlerError : :exc:`pytan.exceptions.HandlerError` * if `host`:`port` can not be reached """ chk_tpl = "Port test to {}:{} {}".format if port_check(host, port): mylog.debug(chk_tpl(host, port, "SUCCESS")) else: raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(chk_tpl(host, port, "FAILURE"))
[docs]def spew(t): """Prints a string based on DEBUG_OUTPUT bool Parameters ---------- t : str * string to debug print """ if DEBUG_OUTPUT: print "DEBUG::{}".format(t)
[docs]def remove_logging_handler(name='all'): """Removes a logging handler Parameters ---------- name : str * name of logging handler to remove. if name == 'all' then all logging handlers are removed """ for k, v in sorted(get_all_pytan_loggers().iteritems()): for handler in v.handlers: if name == 'all': spew("Removing logging handler: {0}/{} due to 'all'".format(handler)) v.removeHandler(handler) elif == name: spew("Removing logging handler: {0}/{} due to match".format(handler)) v.removeHandler(handler)
[docs]def setup_console_logging(gmt_tz=True): """Creates a console logging handler using logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)""" ch_name = 'console' remove_logging_handler('console') if gmt_tz: # change the default time zone to GM time logging.Formatter.converter = time.gmtime else: logging.Formatter.converter = time.localtime # add a console handler to all loggers that goes to STDOUT for INFO # and below, but STDERR for WARNING and above (old method) # ch = SplitStreamHandler() ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) ch.set_name(ch_name) ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(pytan.constants.INFO_FORMAT)) for k, v in sorted(get_all_pytan_loggers().iteritems()): spew("setup_console_logging(): add handler: {0}/{} to logger {1}".format(ch, k)) v.addHandler(ch)
[docs]def change_console_format(debug=False): """Changes the logging format for console handler to :data:`pytan.constants.DEBUG_FORMAT` or :data:`pytan.constants.INFO_FORMAT` Parameters ---------- debug : bool, optional * False : set logging format for console handler to :data:`pytan.constants.INFO_FORMAT` * True : set logging format for console handler to :data:`pytan.constants.DEBUG_FORMAT` """ for k, v in sorted(get_all_pytan_loggers().iteritems()): for handler in v.handlers: if == 'console': if debug: handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(pytan.constants.DEBUG_FORMAT)) else: handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter(pytan.constants.INFO_FORMAT))
[docs]def set_log_levels(loglevel=0): """Enables loggers based on loglevel and :data:`pytan.constants.LOG_LEVEL_MAPS` Parameters ---------- loglevel : int, optional * loglevel to match against each item in :data:`pytan.constants.LOG_LEVEL_MAPS` - each item that is greater than or equal to loglevel will have the according loggers set to their respective levels identified there-in. """ if loglevel >= 20: set_all_loglevels('DEBUG') return set_all_loglevels('WARN') for logmap in pytan.constants.LOG_LEVEL_MAPS: if loglevel >= logmap[0]: for lname, llevel in logmap[1].iteritems(): spew('set_log_levels(): setting %s to %s' % (lname, llevel)) logging.getLogger(lname).setLevel(getattr(logging, llevel))
[docs]def set_all_loglevels(level='DEBUG'): """Sets all loggers that the logging system knows about to a given logger level""" for k, v in sorted(get_all_pytan_loggers().iteritems()): spew("set_all_loglevels(): setting pytan logger '{}' to {}".format(k, level)) v.setLevel(getattr(logging, level)) v.propagate = False
[docs]def get_all_pytan_loggers(): """Gets all loggers currently known to pythons logging system that exist in :data:`pytan.constants.LOG_LEVEL_MAPS` Creates loggers for any pytan loggers that do not exist yet """ pytan_log_strings = [x[1].keys() for x in pytan.constants.LOG_LEVEL_MAPS if x[1].keys()] pytan_log_strings = sorted(list(set(list(itertools.chain(*pytan_log_strings))))) pytan_loggers = {x: logging.getLogger(x) for x in pytan_log_strings} return pytan_loggers
[docs]def get_all_loggers(): """Gets all loggers currently known to pythons logging system`""" logger_dict = logging.Logger.manager.loggerDict all_loggers = {k: v for k, v in logger_dict.iteritems() if isinstance(v, logging.Logger)} all_loggers['root'] = logging.getLogger() return all_loggers
[docs]def load_taniumpy_from_json(json_file): """Opens a json file and parses it into an taniumpy object Parameters ---------- json_file : str * path to JSON file that describes an API object Returns ------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * TaniumPy object converted from json file """ try: fh = open(json_file) except Exception as e: m = "Unable to open json_file {!r}, {}".format raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(m(json_file, e)) howto_m = ( "Use get_${OBJECT_TYPE}.py with --include-type and " "--no-explode-json to export a valid JSON file that can be used " "for importing" ) try: json_dict = json.load(fh) except Exception as e: m = "Unable to parse json_file {!r}, {}\n{}".format raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(m(json_file, e, howto_m)) try: fh.close() except: pass if '_type' not in json_dict: m = "Missing '_type' key in JSON loaded dictionary!\n{}".format raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(m(howto_m)) try: obj = taniumpy.BaseType.from_jsonable(json_dict) except Exception as e: m = ( "Unable to parse json_file {!r} into an API {} object\n" "Exception from API.from_jsonable(): {}\n{}" ).format raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(m(json_file, json_dict['_type'], e, howto_m)) return obj
[docs]def load_param_json_file(parameters_json_file): """Opens a json file and sanity checks it for use as a parameters element for a taniumpy object Parameters ---------- parameters_json_file : str * path to JSON file that describes an API object Returns ------- obj * contents of parameters_json_file de-serialized """ try: pf = open(parameters_json_file) except Exception as e: m = ( "Failed to load JSON parameter file {!r}, error {!r}!!\n" "Refer to doc/example_of_all_package_parameters.json " "file for examples of each parameter type" ).format raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(m(parameters_json_file, e)) try: pd = json.load(pf) except Exception as e: m = ( "Failed to load JSON parameter file {!r}, error {!r}!!\n" "Refer to doc/example_of_all_package_parameters.json " "file for examples of each parameter type" ).format raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(m(parameters_json_file, e)) try: pf.close() except: pass try: pd_params = pd['parameters'] except: m = ( "JSON parameter file {!r} is missing a 'parameters' " "list!!\n" "Refer to doc/example_of_all_package_parameters.json " "file for examples of each parameter type" ).format raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(m(parameters_json_file)) for pd_param in pd_params: if 'key' not in pd_param: m = ( "JSON parameter file {!r} is missing a 'key' " "in the parameter {!r}!!\n" "Refer to doc/example_of_all_package_parameters.json " "file for examples of each parameter type" ).format raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(m(parameters_json_file, pd_param)) return json.dumps(pd)
[docs]def dehumanize_sensors(sensors, key='sensors', empty_ok=True): """Turns a sensors str or list of str into a sensor definition Parameters ---------- sensors : str, list of str * A str or list of str that describes a sensor(s) and optionally a selector, parameters, filter, and/or options key : str, optional * Name of key that user should have provided `sensors` as empty_ok : bool, optional * False: `sensors` is not allowed to be empty, throw :exc:`pytan.exceptions.HumanParserError` if it is empty * True: `sensors` is allowed to be empty Returns ------- sensor_defs : list of dict * list of dict parsed from `sensors` """ if not any([is_list(sensors), is_str(sensors)]): err = "A string or list of strings must be supplied as '{0}'!".format(key) raise pytan.exceptions.HumanParserError(err) if not sensors: if not empty_ok: err = "A string or list of strings must be supplied as '{0}'!".format(key) raise pytan.exceptions.HumanParserError(err) else: return [] if not is_list(sensors): sensors = [sensors] sensor_defs = [] for sensor in sensors: if not is_str(sensor): raise pytan.exceptions.HumanParserError("{!r} must be a string".format(sensor)) s, parsed_selector = extract_selector(sensor) s, parsed_params = extract_params(s) s, parsed_options = extract_options(s) s, parsed_filter = extract_filter(s) sensor_def = {} sensor_def[parsed_selector] = s sensor_def['params'] = parsed_params sensor_def['options'] = parsed_options sensor_def['filter'] = parsed_filter dbg = 'parsed string {!r} into definition:\n {}'.format humanlog.debug(dbg(sensor, jsonify(sensor_def))) sensor_defs.append(sensor_def) return sensor_defs
[docs]def dehumanize_package(package): """Turns a package str into a package definition Parameters ---------- package : str * A str that describes a package and optionally a selector and/or parameters Returns ------- package_def : dict * dict parsed from `sensors` """ if not is_str(package) or not package: err = "{!r} must be a string supplied as 'package'".format raise pytan.exceptions.HumanParserError(err(package)) p, parsed_selector = extract_selector(package) p, parsed_params = extract_params(p) package_def = {} package_def[parsed_selector] = p package_def['params'] = parsed_params dbg = 'parsed string {!r} into definition:\n {}'.format humanlog.debug(dbg(package, jsonify(package_def))) return package_def
[docs]def dehumanize_question_filters(question_filters): """Turns a question_filters str or list of str into a question filter definition Parameters ---------- question_filters : str, list of str * A str or list of str that describes a sensor for a question filter(s) and optionally a selector and/or filter Returns ------- question_filter_defs : list of dict * list of dict parsed from `question_filters` """ if not question_filters: return [] if not is_list(question_filters): question_filters = [question_filters] question_filter_defs = [] for question_filter in question_filters: s, parsed_selector = extract_selector(question_filter) s, parsed_filter = extract_filter(s) if not parsed_filter: err = "Filter {!r} is not a valid filter!".format raise pytan.exceptions.HumanParserError(err(question_filter)) question_filter_def = {} question_filter_def[parsed_selector] = s question_filter_def['filter'] = parsed_filter dbg = ( 'parsed string {!r} into filter definition:\n {}' ).format dbg = dbg(question_filter, jsonify(question_filter_def)) humanlog.debug(dbg) question_filter_defs.append(question_filter_def) return question_filter_defs
[docs]def dehumanize_question_options(question_options): """Turns a question_options str or list of str into a question option definition Parameters ---------- question_options : str, list of str * A str or list of str that describes question options Returns ------- question_option_defs : list of dict * list of dict parsed from `question_options` """ if not question_options: return {} if not is_list(question_options): question_options = [question_options] dest = ['filter', 'group'] question_option_defs = map_options(question_options, dest) dbg = ( 'parsed string {!r} into option definition:\n {}' ).format dbg = dbg(question_options, jsonify(question_option_defs)) humanlog.debug(dbg) return question_option_defs
[docs]def extract_selector(s): """Extracts a selector from str `s` Parameters ---------- s : str * A str that may or may not have a selector in the beginning in the form of id:, name:, or :hash -- if no selector found, name will be assumed as the default selector Returns ------- s : str * str `s` without the parsed_selector included parsed_selector : str * selector extracted from `s`, or 'name' if none found """ parsed_selector = 'name' for selector in pytan.constants.SELECTORS: if s.startswith(selector + ':'): parsed_selector = selector s = s.replace(selector + ':', '').strip() dbg = 'parsed new string to {!r} and selector to:\n{}'.format humanlog.debug(dbg(s, jsonify(parsed_selector))) return s, parsed_selector
[docs]def extract_params(s): """Extracts parameters from str `s` Parameters ---------- s : str * A str that may or may not have parameters identified by {key=value} Returns ------- s : str * str `s` without the parsed_params included parsed_params : list * parameters extracted from `s` if any found """ # extract params from s # given example (note escaped comma in params): # 'Folder Name Search with RegEx Match{dirname=Program Files,regex=\,*}' \ # ', that is .*, opt:max_data_age:3600, opt:ignore_case' params = re.findall(pytan.constants.PARAM_RE, s) # params=['dirname=Program Files,regex=\\,*'] if len(params) > 1: err = "More than one parameter ({{}}) passed in {!r}".format raise pytan.exceptions.HumanParserError(err(s)) elif len(params) == 1: param = params[0] else: param = '' # param='dirname=Program Files,regex=\\,*' if param: split_param = re.split(pytan.constants.PARAM_SPLIT_RE, param) else: split_param = [] # split_param=['dirname=Program Files', 'regex=\\,*'] parsed_params = {} for sp in split_param: # sp = 'dirname=Program Files' if pytan.constants.PARAM_KEY_SPLIT not in sp: err = "Parameter {} missing key/value seperator ({})".format raise pytan.exceptions.HumanParserError(err(sp, pytan.constants.PARAM_KEY_SPLIT)) sp_key, sp_value = sp.split(pytan.constants.PARAM_KEY_SPLIT, 1) # remove any escapes for {}'s if '\\}' in sp_value: sp_value = sp_value.replace('\\}', '}') if '\\{' in sp_value: sp_value = sp_value.replace('\\{', '{') # sp_key = dirname # sp_value = Program Files parsed_params[sp_key] = sp_value # remove params from the s string s = re.sub(pytan.constants.PARAM_RE, '', s) # s='Folder Name Search with RegEx Match, that is .*, ' \ # 'opt:max_data_age:3600, opt:ignore_case' dbg = 'parsed new string to {!r} and parameters to:\n{}'.format humanlog.debug(dbg(s, jsonify(parsed_params))) return s, parsed_params
[docs]def extract_options(s): """Extracts options from str `s` Parameters ---------- s : str * A str that may or may not have options identified by ', opt:name[:value]' Returns ------- s : str * str `s` without the parsed_options included parsed_options : list * options extracted from `s` if any found """ # parse options out of s split_option = re.split(pytan.constants.OPTION_RE, s, 0, re.IGNORECASE) # split_option = ['Folder Name Search with RegEx Match, that is .*', \ # 'max_data_age:3600', 'ignore_case'] parsed_options = {} # if options parsed out from s if len(split_option) > 1: # get new s from index 0 s = split_option[0].strip() # s='Folder Name Search with RegEx Match, that is .*' # get the option strings from index 1 and on parsed_options = [x.strip() for x in split_option[1:]] # parsed_options=['max_data_age:3600', 'ignore_case'] parsed_options = map_options(parsed_options, ['filter']) dbg = 'parsed new string to {!r} and options to:\n{}'.format humanlog.debug(dbg(s, jsonify(parsed_options))) return s, parsed_options
[docs]def map_options(options, dest): """Maps a list of options using :func:`map_option` Parameters ---------- options : list of str * list of str that should be validated dest : list of str * list of valid destinations (i.e. `filter` or `group`) Returns ------- mapped_options : dict * dict of all mapped_options """ mapped_options = {} for option in options: mapped_option = map_option(option, dest) if mapped_option: mapped_options.update(mapped_option) else: err = "Option {!r} is not a valid option!".format raise pytan.exceptions.HumanParserError(err(option)) return mapped_options
[docs]def map_option(opt, dest): """Maps an opt str against :data:`constants.OPTION_MAPS` Parameters ---------- opt : str * option str that should be validated dest : list of str * list of valid destinations (i.e. `filter` or `group`) Returns ------- opt_attrs : dict * dict containing mapped option attributes for SOAP API """ opt_attrs = {} for om in pytan.constants.OPTION_MAPS: if opt_attrs: break if om['destination'] not in dest: continue # if what the user supplied for an option doesnt match the # string in om['human'], go to next string if not opt.lower().startswith(om['human']): continue dbg = "option {!r} mapped to: {!r}".format humanlog.debug(dbg(opt, om)) opt_attrs = om.get('attrs', {}) human_type = om.get('human_type', '') valid_type = om.get('valid_type', str) # if human_type we expect the option string # to be name:value if human_type: opt_split = opt.split(':') if len(opt_split) != 2: format_str = "Format should be '{}:${}'".format format_str = format_str(om['human'], human_type.upper()) err = "Option {!r} is missing a {} value of {}\n{}".format err = err(opt, valid_type, human_type, format_str) raise pytan.exceptions.HumanParserError(err) opt_name, opt_value = opt_split opt_attrs = {om['attr']: opt_value} return opt_attrs
[docs]def extract_filter(s): """Extracts a filter from str `s` Parameters ---------- s : str * A str that may or may not have a filter identified by ', that HUMAN VALUE' Returns ------- s : str * str `s` without the parsed_filter included parsed_filter : dict * filter attributes mapped from filter from `s` if any found """ split_filter = re.split(pytan.constants.FILTER_RE, s, re.IGNORECASE) # split_filter = ['Folder Name Search with RegEx Match', ' is:.*'] parsed_filter = {} # if filter parsed out from s if len(split_filter) > 1: # get new s from index 0 s = split_filter[0].strip() # s='Folder Name Search with RegEx Match' # get the filter string from index 1 parsed_filter = split_filter[1].strip() # parsed_filter='is:.*' parsed_filter = map_filter(parsed_filter) if not parsed_filter: err = "Filter {!r} is not a valid filter!".format raise pytan.exceptions.HumanParserError(err(split_filter[1])) dbg = 'parsed new string to {!r} and filters to:\n{}'.format humanlog.debug(dbg(s, jsonify(parsed_filter))) return s, parsed_filter
[docs]def map_filter(filter_str): """Maps a filter str against :data:`constants.FILTER_MAPS` Parameters ---------- filter_str : str * filter_str str that should be validated Returns ------- filter_attrs : dict * dict containing mapped filter attributes for SOAP API """ filter_attrs = {} filter_split = filter_str.split(':') if len(filter_split) != 2: err = "Invalid filter in {!r}, missing ':' to seperate filter from value?" .format raise pytan.exceptions.HumanParserError(err(filter_str)) filter_name, filter_value = filter_split filter_name = filter_name.strip().lower() if not filter_value: err = "Invalid filter value in {!r}".format raise pytan.exceptions.HumanParserError(err(filter_str)) for fm in pytan.constants.FILTER_MAPS: for fh in fm['human']: if filter_name == fh: filter_attrs = fm break if filter_attrs: pre_value = filter_attrs.get('pre_value', '') post_value = filter_attrs.get('post_value', '') if pre_value: filter_value = '{}{}'.format(pre_value, filter_value) if post_value: filter_value = '{}{}'.format(filter_value, post_value) filter_attrs = { 'operator': filter_attrs['operator'], 'not_flag': filter_attrs['not_flag'], 'value': filter_value, } return filter_attrs
[docs]def get_kwargs_int(key, default=None, **kwargs): """Gets key from kwargs and validates it is an int Parameters ---------- key : str * key to get from kwargs default : int, optional * default value to use if key not found in kwargs kwargs : dict * kwargs to get key from Returns ------- val : int value from key, or default if supplied """ val = kwargs.get(key, default) if val is None: return val try: val = int(val) except ValueError: err = "'{}' must be an int, you supplied: {}" raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(err(key, val)) return val
[docs]def parse_defs(defname, deftypes, strconv=None, empty_ok=True, defs=None, **kwargs): """Parses and validates defs into new_defs Parameters ---------- defname : str * Name of definition deftypes : list of str * list of valid types that defs can be strconv : str * if supplied, and defs is a str, turn defs into a dict with key = strconv, value = defs empty_ok : bool * True: defs is allowed to be empty * False: defs is not allowed to be empty Returns ------- new_defs : list of dict * parsed and validated defs """ if defs is None: defs = kwargs.get(defname, eval(deftypes[0])) type_msg = "{0!r} requires a non-empty value of type: {1}".format type_msg = type_msg(defname, ' or '.join(deftypes)) if not defs: if not empty_ok: err = "Argument {0!r} is empty!\n{1}".format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(defname, type_msg)) else: return defs err = ( "Argument {0!r} has an invalid type {1}\n{2}" ).format(defname, type(defs), type_msg) if deftypes == ['dict()']: if not is_dict(defs): raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err) else: return defs new_defs = [] if is_str(defs): if 'str()' in deftypes: conv = defs if strconv is not None: conv = {strconv: defs} new_defs.append(conv) else: raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err) elif is_dict(defs): if 'dict()' in deftypes: new_defs.append(defs) else: raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err) elif is_list(defs): if 'list()' in deftypes: for k in defs: new_defs += parse_defs( defname, deftypes, strconv, empty_ok, k, **kwargs ) else: raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err) else: raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err) return new_defs
[docs]def val_sensor_defs(sensor_defs): """Validates sensor definitions Ensures each sensor definition has a selector, and if a sensor definition has a params, options, or filter key, that each key is valid Parameters ---------- sensor_defs : list of dict * list of sensor definitions """ s_obj_map = pytan.constants.GET_OBJ_MAP['sensor'] search_keys = s_obj_map['search'] for d in sensor_defs: # value checking for required keys def_search = {s: d.get(s, '') for s in search_keys if d.get(s, '')} if len(def_search) == 0: err = "Sensor definition {} missing one of {}!".format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(d, ', '.join(search_keys))) elif len(def_search) > 1: err = "Sensor definition {} has more than one of {}!".format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(d, ', '.join(search_keys))) # type checking for optional keys chk_def_key(d, 'params', [dict]) chk_def_key(d, 'options', [dict]) chk_def_key(d, 'filter', [dict])
[docs]def val_package_def(package_def): """Validates package definitions Ensures package definition has a selector, and if a package definition has a params key, that key is valid Parameters ---------- package_def : dict * package definition """ s_obj_map = pytan.constants.GET_OBJ_MAP['package'] search_keys = s_obj_map['search'] # value checking for required keys def_search = { s: package_def.get(s, '') for s in search_keys if package_def.get(s, '') } if len(def_search) == 0: err = "Package definition {} missing one of {}!".format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(package_def, ', '.join(search_keys))) elif len(def_search) > 1: err = "Package definition {} has more than one of {}!".format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(package_def, ', '.join(search_keys))) # type checking for optional keys chk_def_key(package_def, 'params', [dict])
[docs]def val_q_filter_defs(q_filter_defs): """Validates question filter definitions Ensures each question filter definition has a selector, and if a question filter definition has a filter key, that key is valid Parameters ---------- q_filter_defs : list of dict * list of question filter definitions """ s_obj_map = pytan.constants.GET_OBJ_MAP['sensor'] search_keys = s_obj_map['search'] for d in q_filter_defs: # value checking for required keys def_search = {s: d.get(s, '') for s in search_keys if d.get(s, '')} if len(def_search) == 0: err = "Question Filter {} missing one of {}!".format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(d, ', '.join(search_keys))) elif len(def_search) > 1: err = "Question Filter {} has more than one of {}!".format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(d, ', '.join(search_keys))) # type checking for required filter key chk_def_key(d, 'filter', [dict], req=True)
[docs]def build_selectlist_obj(sensor_defs): """Creates a SelectList object from sensor_defs Parameters ---------- sensor_defs : list of dict * List of dict that are sensor definitions Returns ------- select_objlist : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.select_list.SelectList` * SelectList object with list of :class:`` built from `sensor_defs` """ select_objlist = taniumpy.SelectList() for d in sensor_defs: # validate/map sensor params into a ParameterList() sensor_obj = d['sensor_obj'] user_params = d.get('params', {}) param_objlist = build_param_objlist( obj=sensor_obj, user_params=user_params, delim='||', derive_def=True, empty_ok=True ) # validate/map sensor filter into a Filter() filter_obj = get_filter_obj(d) # get the options the user supplied options = d.get('options', {}) # update filter_obj with any options the user supplied filter_obj = apply_options_obj(options, filter_obj, 'filter') # create a select object for this sensor select_obj = taniumpy.Select() select_obj.sensor = taniumpy.Sensor() select_obj.filter = filter_obj # if there are parameters, we need to set the following to # # - select_obj.sensor_obj.source_id # - if param_objlist: select_obj.sensor.source_id = d['sensor_obj'].id select_obj.sensor.parameters = param_objlist = d['sensor_obj'].id else: select_obj.sensor.hash = d['sensor_obj'].hash return select_objlist
[docs]def build_group_obj(q_filter_defs, q_option_defs): """Creates a Group object from q_filter_defs and q_option_defs Parameters ---------- q_filter_defs : list of dict * List of dict that are question filter definitions q_option_defs : dict * dict of question filter options Returns ------- group_obj : :class:`` * Group object with list of :class:`taniumpy.object_types.filter.Filter` built from `q_filter_defs` and `q_option_defs` """ filter_objlist = taniumpy.FilterList() for d in q_filter_defs: # validate/map question filter into a Filter() filter_obj = get_filter_obj(d) # update filter_obj with any options filter_obj = apply_options_obj(q_option_defs, filter_obj, 'filter') filter_objlist.filter.append(filter_obj) group_obj = taniumpy.Group() group_obj.filters = filter_objlist group_obj = apply_options_obj(q_option_defs, group_obj, 'group') return group_obj
[docs]def build_manual_q(selectlist_obj, group_obj): """Creates a Question object from selectlist_obj and group_obj Parameters ---------- selectlist_obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.select_list.SelectList` * SelectList object to add to Question object group_obj : :class:`` * Group object to add to Question object Returns ------- add_q_obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.question.Question` * Question object built from selectlist_obj and group_obj """ add_q_obj = taniumpy.Question() add_q_obj.selects = selectlist_obj = group_obj return add_q_obj
[docs]def get_obj_params(obj): """Get the parameters from a TaniumPy object and JSON load them obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * TaniumPy object to get parameters from Returns ------- params : dict * JSON loaded dict of parameters from `obj` """ # get the parameter definitions param_def = getattr(obj, 'parameter_definition', {}) or {} # json load the parameter definitions if they exist if param_def: param_def = json.loads(param_def) # get the list of parameters from the parameter definitions params = param_def.get('parameters', []) return params
[docs]def build_param_obj(key, val, delim=''): """Creates a Parameter object from key and value, surrounding key with delim Parameters ---------- key : str * key to use for parameter value : str * value to use for parameter delim : str * str to surround key with when adding to parameter object Returns ------- param_obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.parameter.Parameter` * Parameter object built from key and val """ # create a parameter object param_obj = taniumpy.Parameter() param_obj.key = '{0}{1}{0}'.format(delim, key) param_obj.value = val return param_obj
[docs]def derive_param_default(obj_param): """Derive a parameter default Parameters ---------- obj_param : dict * parameter dict from TaniumPy object Returns ------- def_val : str * default value derived from obj_param """ # get the default value for this param if it exists def_val = obj_param.get('defaultValue', '') # get requireSelection for this param if it exists (pulldown menus) req_sel = obj_param.get('requireSelection', False) # get values for this param if it exists (pulldown menus) values = obj_param.get('values', []) # if this param requires a selection and it has a list of values # and there is no default value, use the first value as the # default value if req_sel and values and not def_val: def_val = values[0] return def_val
[docs]def build_param_objlist(obj, user_params, delim='', derive_def=False, empty_ok=False): """Creates a ParameterList object from user_params Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * TaniumPy object to verify parameters against user_params : dict * dict describing key and value of user supplied params delim : str * str to surround key with when adding to parameter object derive_def : bool, optional * False: Do not derive default values, and throw a :exc:`pytan.exceptions.HandlerError` if user did not supply a value for a given parameter * True: Try to derive a default value for each parameter if user did not supply one empty_ok : bool, optional * False: If user did not supply a value for a given parameter, throw a :exc:`pytan.exceptions.HandlerError` * True: If user did not supply a value for a given parameter, do not add the parameter to the ParameterList object Returns ------- param_objlist : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.parameter_list.ParameterList` ParameterList object with list of :class:`taniumpy.object_types.parameter.Parameter` built from user_params """ # extract the params from the object obj_params = get_obj_params(obj) obj_name = str(obj) param_objlist = taniumpy.ParameterList() processed = [] for obj_param in obj_params: # get the key for this param p_key = obj_param["key"] processed.append(p_key) user_val = user_params.get(p_key, '') if not user_val and derive_def: user_val = derive_param_default(obj_param) if not user_val and not empty_ok: err = ( "{} parameter key '{}' requires a value, " "parameter definition:\n{}" ).format raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(err(obj_name, p_key, jsonify(obj_param))) param_obj = build_param_obj(p_key, user_val, delim) param_objlist.append(param_obj) dbg = "Parameter {} for {} mapped to: {}".format manuallog.debug(dbg(p_key, obj_name, param_obj)) # ADD SUPPORT FOR PARAMS THAT ARE NOT IN OBJECT for k, v in user_params.iteritems(): if k in processed: continue processed.append(k) param_obj = build_param_obj(k, v, delim) param_objlist.append(param_obj) dbg = "Undefined Parameter {} for {} mapped to: {}".format manuallog.debug(dbg(k, obj_name, param_obj)) return param_objlist
[docs]def shrink_obj(obj, attrs=None): """Returns a new class of obj with only id/name/hash defined Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * Object to shrink attrs : list of str * default: None * list of attribute str's to copy over to new object, will default to ['name', 'id', 'hash'] if None Returns ------- new_obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * Shrunken object """ if attrs is None: attrs = ['name', 'id', 'hash'] new_obj = obj.__class__() [setattr(new_obj, a, getattr(obj, a)) for a in attrs if getattr(obj, a, '')] return new_obj
[docs]def copy_obj(obj, skip_attrs=None): """Returns a new class of obj with with out any attributes in skip_attrs specified Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * Object to copy skip_attrs : list of str * default: None * list of attribute str's to skip copying over to new object, will default to [] if None Returns ------- new_obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * Copied object with attributes in skip_attrs skipped """ if not skip_attrs: skip_attrs = [] new_obj = obj.__class__() [ setattr(new_obj, a, getattr(obj, a)) for a in vars(obj) if getattr(obj, a, None) is not None and a not in skip_attrs ] return new_obj
[docs]def copy_package_obj_for_action(obj, skip_attrs=None): """Returns a new class of package obj with with out any attributes in skip_attrs specified Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * Object to copy skip_attrs : list of str * default: None * list of attribute str's to skip copying over to new object, default if None: ['id', 'deleted_flag', 'available_time', 'creation_time', 'modification_time', 'source_id'] Returns ------- new_obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * Copied object with attributes in skip_attrs skipped """ if skip_attrs is None: # names of attributes to skip copying over from source package skip_attrs = [ 'id', 'deleted_flag', 'available_time', 'creation_time', 'modification_time', 'source_id', 'files', ] new_obj = copy_obj(obj, skip_attrs) return new_obj
[docs]def get_filter_obj(sensor_def): """Creates a Filter object from sensor_def Parameters ---------- sensor_def : dict * dict containing sensor definition Returns ------- filter_obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.filter.Filter` * Filter object created from `sensor_def` """ sensor_obj = sensor_def['sensor_obj'] # create our basic filter that is needed no matter what filter_obj = taniumpy.Filter() filter_obj.sensor = taniumpy.Sensor() filter_obj.sensor.hash = sensor_obj.hash # get the filter the user supplied filter_def = sensor_def.get('filter', {}) # if no user supplied filter, return the basic filter object if not filter_def: return filter_obj # operator required def_op = filter_def.get('operator', None) if not def_op: err = "Filter {!r} requires an 'operator' key!".format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(filter_def)) # not_flag optional def_not_flag = filter_def.get('not_flag', None) # value required def_value = filter_def.get('value', None) if not def_value: err = "Filter {!r} requires a 'value' key!".format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(filter_def)) found_match = False for fm in pytan.constants.FILTER_MAPS: # if user supplied operator does not match this operator, next if not def_op.lower() == fm['operator'].lower(): continue found_match = True filter_obj.value = def_value filter_obj.operator = fm['operator'] if def_not_flag is not None: filter_obj.not_flag = def_not_flag dbg = "Filter {!r} mapped to: {}".format manuallog.debug(dbg(filter_def, str(filter_obj))) break if not found_match: err = "Invalid filter {!r}".format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(filter_def)) return filter_obj
[docs]def apply_options_obj(options, obj, dest): """Updates an object with options Parameters ---------- options : dict * dict containing options definition obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * TaniumPy object to apply `options` to dest : list of str * list of valid destinations (i.e. `filter` or `group`) Returns ------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * TaniumPy object updated with attributes from `options` """ # if no user supplied options, return the filter object unchanged if not options: return obj for k, v in options.iteritems(): for om in pytan.constants.OPTION_MAPS: if om['destination'] != dest: continue om_attrs = om.get('attrs', {}).keys() om_attr = om.get('attr', '') if om_attr: om_attrs.append(om_attr) if k.lower() not in om_attrs: continue dbg = "option {!r} value {!r} mapped to: {!r}".format manuallog.debug(dbg(k, v, om)) valid_values = om.get('valid_values', []) valid_type = om.get('valid_type', str) if valid_values: valid_values = eval(valid_values) valid_values_str = " -- valid values: " valid_values_str += ', '.join(valid_values) else: valid_values = [] valid_values_str = "" if len(str(v)) == 0: err = ( "Option {!r} requires a {} value{}" ).format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(k, valid_type, valid_values_str)) if valid_type == int: try: v = int(v) except: err = ( "Option {!r} value {!r} is not an integer" ).format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(k, v)) if valid_type == str: if not is_str(v): err = ( "Option {!r} value {!r} is not a string" ).format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(k, v)) value_match = None if valid_values: for x in valid_values: if v.lower() == x.lower(): value_match = x break if value_match is None: err = ( "Option {!r} value {!r} does not match one of {}" ).format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(k, v, valid_values)) else: v = value_match # update obj with k = v setattr(obj, k, v) break dbg = "Options {!r} updated to: {}".format manuallog.debug(dbg(options, str(obj))) return obj
[docs]def chk_def_key(def_dict, key, keytypes, keysubtypes=None, req=False): """Checks that def_dict has key Parameters ---------- def_dict : dict * Definition dictionary key : str * key to check for in def_dict keytypes : list of str * list of str of valid types for key keysubtypes : list of str * if key is a dict or list, validate that all values of dict or list are in keysubtypes req : bool * False: key does not have to be in def_dict * True: key must be in def_dict, throw :exc:`pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError` if not """ if key not in def_dict: if req: err = "Definition {} missing 'filter' key!".format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(def_dict)) return val = def_dict.get(key) if type(val) not in keytypes: err = ( "'{}' key in definition dictionary must be a {}, you supplied " "a {}!" ).format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(key, keytypes, type(val))) if not keysubtypes or not val: return if is_dict(val): subtypes = [type(x) for x in val.values()] else: subtypes = [type(x) for x in val] if not all([x in keysubtypes for x in subtypes]): err = ( "'{}' key in definition dictionary must be a {} of {}s, " "you supplied {}!" ).format raise pytan.exceptions.DefinitionParserError(err(key, keytypes, keysubtypes, subtypes))
[docs]def empty_obj(taniumpy_object): """Validate that a given TaniumPy object is not empty Parameters ---------- taniumpy_object : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to check if empty Returns ------- bool * True if `taniumpy_object` is considered empty, False otherwise """ v = [getattr(taniumpy_object, '_list_properties', {}), is_str(taniumpy_object)] if any(v) and not taniumpy_object: return True else: return False
[docs]def get_q_obj_map(qtype): """Gets an object map for `qtype` Parameters ---------- qtype : str * question type to get object map from in :data:`pytan.constants.Q_OBJ_MAP` Returns ------- obj_map : dict * matching object map for `qtype` from :data:`pytan.constants.Q_OBJ_MAP` """ try: obj_map = pytan.constants.Q_OBJ_MAP[qtype.lower()] except KeyError: err = "{} not a valid question type, must be one of {!r}".format raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(err(qtype, pytan.constants.Q_OBJ_MAP.keys())) return obj_map
[docs]def get_obj_map(objtype): """Gets an object map for `objtype` Parameters ---------- objtype : str * object type to get object map from in :data:`pytan.constants.GET_OBJ_MAP` Returns ------- obj_map : dict * matching object map for `objtype` from :data:`pytan.constants.GET_OBJ_MAP` """ try: obj_map = pytan.constants.GET_OBJ_MAP[objtype.lower()] except KeyError: err = "{} not a valid object to get, must be one of {!r}".format raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(err(objtype, pytan.constants.GET_OBJ_MAP.keys())) return obj_map
[docs]def get_taniumpy_obj(obj_map): """Gets a taniumpy object from `obj_map` Parameters ---------- obj_map : str * str of taniumpy object to fetch Returns ------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * matching taniumpy object for `obj_map` """ try: obj = getattr(taniumpy, obj_map) except Exception as e: err = "Could not find taniumpy object {}: {}".format raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(err(obj_map, e)) return obj
[docs]def check_dictkey(d, key, valid_types, valid_list_types): """Yet another method to check a dictionary for a key Parameters ---------- d : dict * dictionary to check for key key : str * key to check for in d valid_types : list of str * list of str of valid types for key valid_list_types : list of str * if key is a list, validate that all values of list are in valid_list_types """ if key in d: k_val = d[key] k_type = type(k_val) if k_type not in valid_types: err = "{!r} must be one of {}, you supplied {}!".format raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(err(key, valid_types, k_type)) if is_list(k_val) and valid_list_types: valid_list_types = [eval(x) for x in valid_list_types] list_types = [type(x) for x in k_val] list_types_match = [x in valid_list_types for x in list_types] if not all(list_types_match): err = "{!r} must be a list of {}, you supplied {}!".format raise pytan.exceptions.HandlerError(err(key, valid_list_types, list_types))
[docs]def func_timing(f): """Decorator to add timing information around a function """ def wrap(*args, **kwargs): time1 = datetime.datetime.utcnow() ret = f(*args, **kwargs) time2 = datetime.datetime.utcnow() elapsed = time2 - time1 m = '{}() TIMING start: {}, end: {}, elapsed: {}'.format timinglog.debug(m(f.func_name, time1, time2, elapsed)) return ret return wrap
[docs]def eval_timing(c): """Yet another method to time things -- c will be evaluated and timing information will be printed out """ t_start = r = eval(c) t_end = t_elapsed = t_end - t_start m = "Timing info for {} -- START: {}, END: {}, ELAPSED: {}, RESPONSE LEN: {}".format mylog.warn(m(c, t_start, t_end, t_elapsed, len(r))) return (c, r, t_start, t_end, t_elapsed)
[docs]def xml_pretty(x, pretty=True, indent=' ', **kwargs): """Uses :mod:`xmltodict` to pretty print an XML str `x` Parameters ---------- x : str * XML string to pretty print Returns ------- str : * The pretty printed string of `x` """ x_parsed = xmltodict.parse(x) x_unparsed = xmltodict.unparse(x_parsed, pretty=pretty, indent=indent) return x_unparsed
[docs]def log_session_communication(h): """Uses :func:`xml_pretty` to pretty print the last request and response bodies from the session object in h to the logging system Parameters ---------- h : Handler object * Handler object with session object containing last request and response body """ response_obj = h.session.LAST_REQUESTS_RESPONSE request_body = response_obj.request.body response_body = response_obj.text try: req = xml_pretty(request_body) except Exception as e: req = "Failed to prettify xml: {}, raw xml:\n{}".format(e, request_body) prettylog.debug("Last HTTP request:\n{}".format(req)) try: resp = xml_pretty(response_body) except Exception as e: resp = "Failed to prettify xml: {}, raw xml:\n{}".format(e, response_body) prettylog.debug("Last HTTP response:\n{}".format(xml_pretty(resp)))
[docs]def xml_pretty_resultxml(x): """Uses :mod:`xmltodict` to pretty print an the ResultXML element in XML str `x` Parameters ---------- x : str * XML string to pretty print Returns ------- str : * The pretty printed string of ResultXML in `x` """ x_parsed = xmltodict.parse(x) x_find = x_parsed["soap:Envelope"]["soap:Body"]["t:return"]["ResultXML"] x_unparsed = xml_pretty(x_find) return x_unparsed
[docs]def xml_pretty_resultobj(x): """Uses :mod:`xmltodict` to pretty print an the result-object element in XML str `x` Parameters ---------- x : str * XML string to pretty print Returns ------- str : * The pretty printed string of result-object in `x` """ x_parsed = xmltodict.parse(x) x_find = x_parsed["soap:Envelope"]["soap:Body"]["t:return"] x_find = x_parsed["result-object"] x_unparsed = xmltodict.unparse(x_find, pretty=True, indent=' ') return x_unparsed
[docs]def get_dict_list_len(d, keys=[], negate=False): """Gets the sum of each list in dict `d` Parameters ---------- d : dict of str : list * dict to sums of keys : list of str * list of keys to get sums of, if empty gets a sum of all keys negate : bool * only used if keys supplied * False : get the sums of `d` that do match keys * True : get the sums of `d` that do not match keys Returns ------- list_len : int * sum of lists in `d` that match keys """ if keys: if negate: list_len = sum([len(d[k]) for k in d if k not in keys]) else: list_len = sum([len(d[k]) for k in d if k in keys]) else: list_len = sum([len(d[k]) for k in d]) return list_len
[docs]def build_metadatalist_obj(properties, nameprefix=""): """Creates a MetadataList object from properties Parameters ---------- properties : list of list of strs * list of lists, each list having two strs - str 1: property key, str2: property value nameprefix : str * prefix to insert in front of property key when creating MetadataItem Returns ------- metadatalist_obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.metadata_list.MetadataList` * MetadataList object with list of :class:`taniumpy.object_types.metadata_item.MetadataItem` built from `properties` """ metadatalist_obj = taniumpy.MetadataList() for prop in properties: name = prop[0] value = prop[1] if nameprefix: name = "{}.{}".format(nameprefix, name) metadata_obj = taniumpy.MetadataItem() = name metadata_obj.value = value metadatalist_obj.append(metadata_obj) return metadatalist_obj
[docs]def get_percentage(part, whole): """Utility method for getting percentage of part out of whole Parameters ---------- part: int, float whole: int, float Returns ------- int : the percentage of part out of whole """ if 0 in [part, whole]: return float(0) return 100 * (float(part) / float(whole))
[docs]def calc_percent(percent, whole): """Utility method for getting percentage of whole Parameters ---------- percent: int, float whole: int, float Returns ------- int : the percentage of whole """ return int((percent * whole) / 100.0)
[docs]def plugin_zip(p): """Maps columns to values for each row in a plugins sql_response and returns a list of dicts Parameters ---------- p : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.plugin.Plugin` * plugin object Returns ------- dict * the columns and result_rows of the sql_response in Plugin object zipped up into a dictionary """ return [ dict(zip(p.sql_response.columns, x)) for x in p.sql_response.result_row ]
[docs]def clean_kwargs(kwargs, keys=None): """Removes each key from kwargs dict if found Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict * dict of keyword args keys : list of str, optional * default: ['obj', 'pytan_help', 'objtype'] * list of strs of keys to remove from kwargs Returns ------- clean_kwargs : dict * the new dict of kwargs with keys removed """ if keys is None: keys = ['obj', 'pytan_help', 'objtype'] clean_kwargs = dict(kwargs) [clean_kwargs.pop(x) for x in keys if x in kwargs] return clean_kwargs
[docs]def check_for_help(kwargs): """Utility method to check for any help arguments and raise a PytanHelp exception with the appropriate help Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict * dict of keyword args """ help_keys = [x for x in dir( if x.endswith('_help')] for x in help_keys: if kwargs.get(x, False): help_out = getattr(, x)() raise pytan.exceptions.PytanHelp(help_out)
[docs]def parse_versioning(server_version): """Parses server_version into a dictionary Parameters ---------- server_version : str * str of server version Returns ------- dict * dict of parsed tanium server version containing keys: major, minor, revision, and build """ v_keys = ['major', 'minor', 'revision', 'build'] # fallback_ints = [-1, -1, -1, -1] try: v_parts = server_version.split('.') v_ints = [int(x) for x in v_parts] v_dict = dict(zip(v_keys, v_ints)) except: m = ( "Unable to parse major, minor, revision, and build from server " "version string: {}" ).format raise pytan.exceptions.VersionParseError(m(server_version)) return v_dict
[docs]def calculate_question_start_time(q): """Caclulates the start time of a question by doing q.expiration - q.expire_seconds Parameters ---------- q : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.question.Question` * Question object to calculate start time for Returns ------- tuple : str, datetime * a tuple containing the start time first in str format for Tanium Server API, second in datetime object format """ expire_dt = pytan.utils.timestr_to_datetime(q.expiration) expire_seconds_delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=q.expire_seconds) start_time_dt = expire_dt - expire_seconds_delta start_time = pytan.utils.datetime_to_timestr(start_time_dt) return start_time, start_time_dt
[docs]def vig_encode(key, string): """Obfuscates a string with a key using Vigenere cipher. Only useful for obfuscation, not real security!! Parameters ---------- key : str * key to scrambled string with string : str * string to scramble with key Returns ------- encoded_string : str * encoded string """ string = str(string) encoded_chars = [] for i in xrange(len(string)): key_c = key[i % len(key)] encoded_c = chr(ord(string[i]) + ord(key_c) % 256) encoded_chars.append(encoded_c) v_string = "".join(encoded_chars) encoded_string = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(v_string) encoded_string = '::{}::'.format(encoded_string) return encoded_string
[docs]def vig_decode(key, string): """De-obfuscates a string with a key using Vigenere cipher. Only useful for obfuscation, not real security!! Notes ----- This will only work with strings that have been encoded with vig_encode(). "normal" strings will be returned as-is. Parameters ---------- key : str * key that string is scrambled with string : str * string to unscramble with key Returns ------- decoded_string : str * decoded string """ if string.startswith('::') and string.endswith('::'): string = str(string[2:-2]) else: return string v_string = base64.urlsafe_b64decode(string) decoded_chars = [] for i in xrange(len(v_string)): key_c = key[i % len(key)] encoded_c = chr(abs(ord(v_string[i]) - ord(key_c) % 256)) decoded_chars.append(encoded_c) decoded_string = "".join(decoded_chars) return decoded_string