Source code for pytan.sessions

# -*- mode: Python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
# ex: set tabstop=4
# Please do not change the two lines above. See PEP 8, PEP 263.
"""Session classes for the :mod:`pytan` module."""
import sys

# disable python from creating .pyc files everywhere
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True

import os
import string
import logging
import json
import re
import threading
import time
import pprint

from datetime import datetime
from base64 import b64encode

    import xml.etree.cElementTree as ET
    import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

my_file = os.path.abspath(__file__)
my_dir = os.path.dirname(my_file)
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(my_dir)
path_adds = [parent_dir]
[sys.path.insert(0, aa) for aa in path_adds if aa not in sys.path]

import pytan
from pytan.xml_clean import xml_cleaner
import requests
import taniumpy

import sys

[docs]class Session(object): """ This session object uses the :mod:`requests` package instead of the built in httplib library. This provides support for keep alive, gzip, cookies, forwarding, and a host of other features automatically. Examples -------- Setup a Session() object:: >>> import sys >>> sys.path.append('/path/to/pytan/') >>> import pytan >>> session = pytan.sessions.Session('host') Authenticate with the Session() object:: >>> session.authenticate('username', 'password') """ XMLNS = { 'SOAP-ENV': 'xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""', 'xsd': 'xmlns:xsd=""', 'xsi': 'xmlns:xsi=""', 'typens': 'xmlns:typens="urn:TaniumSOAP"', } """The namespace mappings for use in XML Request bodies""" REQUEST_BODY_BASE = ("""<SOAP-ENV:Envelope {SOAP-ENV} {xsd} {xsi}> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <typens:tanium_soap_request {typens}> <command>$command</command> <object_list>$object_list</object_list> $options </typens:tanium_soap_request> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope>""").format(**XMLNS) """The XML template used for all SOAP Requests in string form""" AUTH_RES = 'auth' """The URL to use for authentication requests""" SOAP_RES = 'soap' """The URL to use for SOAP requests""" INFO_RES = 'info.json' """The URL to use for server info requests""" AUTH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC = 5 """number of seconds before timing out for a connection while authenticating""" AUTH_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC = 15 """number of seconds before timing out for a response while authenticating""" INFO_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC = 5 """number of seconds before timing out for a connection while getting server info""" INFO_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC = 15 """number of seconds before timing out for a response while getting server info""" SOAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC = 15 """number of seconds before timing out for a connection while sending a SOAP Request""" SOAP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC = 540 """number of seconds before timing out for a response while sending a SOAP request""" SOAP_REQUEST_HEADERS = {'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip'} """dictionary of headers to add to every HTTP GET/POST""" ELEMENT_RE_TXT = r'<{0}>(.*?)</{0}>' """regex string to search for an element in XML bodies""" HTTP_DEBUG = False """print requests package debug or not""" HTTP_RETRY_COUNT = 5 """number of times to retry HTTP GET/POST's if the connection times out/fails""" HTTP_AUTH_RETRY = True """retry HTTP GET/POST's with username/password if session_id fails or not""" STATS_LOOP_ENABLED = False """enable the statistics loop thread or not""" STATS_LOOP_SLEEP_SEC = 5 """number of seconds to sleep in between printing the statistics when stats_loop_enabled is True""" STATS_LOOP_TARGETS = [ {'Version': 'Settings/Version'}, {'Active Questions': 'Active Question Cache/Active Question Estimate'}, {'Clients': 'Active Question Cache/Active Client Estimate'}, {'Strings': 'String Cache/Total String Count'}, {'Handles': 'System Performance Info/HandleCount'}, {'Processes': 'System Performance Info/ProcessCount'}, {'Memory Available': 'percentage(System Performance Info/PhysicalAvailable,System Performance Info/PhysicalTotal)'}, ] """list of dictionaries with the key being the section of info.json to print info from, and the value being the item with in that section to print the value""" RECORD_ALL_REQUESTS = False """Controls whether each requests response object is appended to the self.ALL_REQUESTS_RESPONSES list""" BAD_RESPONSE_CMD_PRUNES = [ '\n', 'XML Parse Error: ', 'SOAPProcessing Exception: class ', 'ERROR: 400 Bad Request' ] """List of strings to remove from commands in responses that do not match the response in the request""" AUTH_FAIL_CODES = [401, 403] """List of HTTP response codes that equate to authorization failures""" BAD_SERVER_VERSIONS = [None, '', 'Unable to determine', 'Not yet determined'] """List of server versions that are not valid""" # TRACKING VARIABLES -- THESE GET UPDATED BY SESSION ALL_REQUESTS_RESPONSES = [] """This list will be updated with each requests response object that was received""" LAST_REQUESTS_RESPONSE = None """This variable will be updated with the last requests response object that was received""" LAST_RESPONSE_INFO = {} """This variable will be updated with the information from the most recent call to _get_response()""" host = None """host to connect to""" port = None """port to connect to""" server_version = "Not yet determined" """version string of server, will be updated when get_server_version() is called""" force_server_version = '' """In the case where the user wants to have pytan act as if the server is a specific version, regardless of what server_version is.""" def __init__(self, host, port=443, **kwargs): self.methodlog = logging.getLogger("method_debug") self.DEBUG_METHOD_LOCALS = kwargs.get('debug_method_locals', False) self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self.setup_logging() self.REQUESTS_SESSION = requests.Session() """ The Requests session allows you to persist certain parameters across requests. It also persists cookies across all requests made from the Session instance. Any requests that you make within a session will automatically reuse the appropriate connection """ # disable SSL cert verification for all requests made in this session self.REQUESTS_SESSION.verify = False server = kwargs.get('server', '') = server or host self.server = self.port = port self._session_id = '' self._username = '' self._password = '' # kwargs overrides for object properties self.SOAP_REQUEST_HEADERS = kwargs.get( 'soap_request_headers', self.SOAP_REQUEST_HEADERS) self.HTTP_DEBUG = kwargs.get('http_debug', False) self.HTTP_AUTH_RETRY = kwargs.get('http_auth_retry', self.HTTP_AUTH_RETRY) self.HTTP_RETRY_COUNT = kwargs.get('http_retry_count', self.HTTP_RETRY_COUNT) self.AUTH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC = kwargs.get( 'auth_connect_timeout_sec', self.AUTH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC) self.AUTH_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC = kwargs.get( 'auth_response_timeout_sec', self.AUTH_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC) self.INFO_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC = kwargs.get( 'info_connect_timeout_sec', self.INFO_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC) self.INFO_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC = kwargs.get( 'info_response_timeout_sec', self.INFO_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC) self.SOAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC = kwargs.get( 'soap_connect_timeout_sec', self.SOAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC) self.SOAP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC = kwargs.get( 'soap_response_timeout_sec', self.SOAP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC) self.STATS_LOOP_ENABLED = kwargs.get('stats_loop_enabled', self.STATS_LOOP_ENABLED) self.STATS_LOOP_SLEEP_SEC = kwargs.get('stats_loop_sleep_sec', self.STATS_LOOP_SLEEP_SEC) self.STATS_LOOP_TARGETS = kwargs.get('stats_loop_targets', self.STATS_LOOP_TARGETS) self.RECORD_ALL_REQUESTS = kwargs.get('record_all_requests', self.RECORD_ALL_REQUESTS) # re-enforce empty variables for init of session self.ALL_REQUESTS_RESPONSES = [] self.LAST_RESPONSE_INFO = {} self.LAST_REQUESTS_RESPONSE = None self.server_version = "Not yet determined" self.force_server_version = kwargs.get('force_server_version', self.force_server_version)
[docs] def setup_logging(self): self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self.qualname = "pytan.sessions.{}".format(self.__class__.__name__) self.mylog = logging.getLogger(self.qualname) self.authlog = logging.getLogger(self.qualname + ".auth") self.httplog = logging.getLogger(self.qualname + ".http") self.bodyhttplog = logging.getLogger(self.qualname + ".http.body") self.statslog = logging.getLogger("stats")
def __str__(self): class_name = self.__class__.__name__ server_version = self.get_server_version() str_tpl = "{} to {}:{}, Authenticated: {}, Platform Version: {}".format ret = str_tpl(class_name,, self.port, self.is_auth, server_version) return ret @property def session_id(self): """Property to fetch the session_id for this object Returns ------- self._session_id : str """ return self._session_id @session_id.setter def session_id(self, value): """Setter to update the session_id for this object""" if self.session_id != value: self._session_id = value self.authlog.debug("Session ID updated to: {}".format(value)) @property def is_auth(self): """Property to determine if there is a valid session_id or username and password stored in this object Returns ------- bool * True: if self._session_id or self._username and _self.password are set * False: if not """ auth = False if self._session_id: auth = True elif self._username and self._password: auth = True return auth
[docs] def logout(self, all_session_ids=False, **kwargs): """Logout a given session_id from Tanium. If not session_id currently set, it will authenticate to get one. Parameters ---------- all_session_ids : bool, optional * default: False * False: only log out the current session id for the current user * True: log out ALL session id's associated for the current user pytan_help : str, optional * default: '' * help string to add to self.LAST_REQUESTS_RESPONSE.pytan_help """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self._check_auth() if not self.session_id: self.authenticate() if all_session_ids: logout = 1 else: logout = 0 headers = {} headers['session'] = self.session_id headers['logout'] = logout req_args = {} req_args['url'] = self.AUTH_RES req_args['headers'] = headers req_args['retry_count'] = False req_args['pytan_help'] = kwargs.get('pytan_help', '') try: self.http_get(**req_args) except Exception as e: m = "logout exception: {}".format self.authlog.debug(m(e)) if all_session_ids: self.authlog.debug("Successfully logged out all session ids for current user") else: self.authlog.debug("Successfully logged out current session id for current user") self.session_id = ''
[docs] def authenticate(self, username=None, password=None, session_id=None, **kwargs): """Authenticate against a Tanium Server using a username/password or a session ID Parameters ---------- username : str, optional * default: None * username to authenticate as password : str, optional * default: None * password for `username` session_id : str, optional * default: None * session_id to authenticate with, this will be used in favor of username/password if all 3 are supplied. persistent: bool, optional * default: False * False: do not request a persistent session (returns a session_id that expires 5 minutes after last use) * True: do request a persistent (returns a session_id that expires 1 week after last use) pytan_help : str, optional * default: '' * help string to add to self.LAST_REQUESTS_RESPONSE.pytan_help Notes ----- Can request a persistent session that will last up to 1 week when authenticating with username and password. New persistent sessions may be handed out by the Tanium server when the session handed by this auth call is used to login with that week. The new session must be used to login, as no matter what persistent sessions will expire 1 week after issuance (or when logout is called with that session, or when logout with all_sessions=True is called for any session for this user) the way sessions get issued: - a GET request to /auth is issued - username/password supplied in headers as base64 encoded, or session is supplied in headers as string - session is returned upon successful auth - if there is a header "persistent=1" in the headers, a session that expires after 1 week will be issued if username/password was used to auth. persistent is ignored if session is used to auth. - if there is not a header "persistent=1" in the headers, a session that expires after 5 minutes will be issued - if session is used before it expires, it's expiry will be extended by 5 minutes or 1 week, depending on the type of persistence - while using the SOAP api, new session ID's may be returned as part of the response. these new session ID's should be used in lieu of the old session ID /auth URL This url is used for validating a server user's credentials. It supports a few different ways to authenticate and returns a SOAP session ID on success. These sessions expire after 5 minutes by default if they aren't used in SOAP requests. This expiration is configured with the server setting 'session_expiration_seconds'. Supported Authentication Methods: - HTTP Basic Auth (Clear Text/BASE64) - Username/Password/Domain Headers (Clear Text) - Negotiate (NTLM Only) NTLM is enabled by default in 6.3 or greater and requires a persistent connection until a session is generated. """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) persistent = kwargs.get('persistent', False) auth_type = 'unknown' if session_id: auth_type = 'session ID' if persistent: m = ( "Unable to establish a persistent session when authenticating with a session!" ).format raise pytan.exceptions.AuthorizationError(m()) self._session_id = session_id else: auth_type = 'username/password' if username: self._username = username if password: self._password = password if not session_id: if not self._username: raise pytan.exceptions.AuthorizationError("Must supply username") if not self._password: raise pytan.exceptions.AuthorizationError("Must supply password") auth_headers = {} if persistent: auth_headers['persistent'] = 1 h = "Authenticate to the SOAP API via /auth" pytan_help = kwargs.get('pytan_help', h) req_args = {} req_args['url'] = self.AUTH_RES req_args['headers'] = auth_headers req_args['retry_count'] = kwargs.get('retry_count', 0) req_args['connect_timeout'] = kwargs.get('connect_timeout', self.AUTH_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC) req_args['response_timeout'] = kwargs.get( 'response_timeout', self.AUTH_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC ) req_args['pytan_help'] = pytan_help try: body = self.http_get(**req_args) except Exception as e: m = "Error while trying to authenticate: {}".format raise pytan.exceptions.AuthorizationError(m(e)) self.session_id = body if persistent: m = ( "Successfully authenticated and received a persistent (up to 1 week)" "session id using {}" ).format self.authlog.debug(m(auth_type)) else: m = ( "Successfully authenticated and received a non-persistent (up to 5 minutes) " "session id using {}" ).format self.authlog.debug(m(auth_type)) # start the stats thread loop in a background thread self._start_stats_thread(**kwargs)
[docs] def find(self, obj, **kwargs): """Creates and sends a GetObject XML Request body from `object_type` and parses the response into an appropriate :mod:`taniumpy` object Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to find Returns ------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * found objects """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['obj', 'request_body'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) request_body = self._create_get_object_body(obj=obj, **clean_kwargs) response_body = self._get_response(request_body=request_body, **clean_kwargs) obj = taniumpy.BaseType.fromSOAPBody(body=response_body) return obj
[docs] def save(self, obj, **kwargs): """Creates and sends a UpdateObject XML Request body from `obj` and parses the response into an appropriate :mod:`taniumpy` object Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to save Returns ------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * saved object """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['obj', 'request_body'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) request_body = self._create_update_object_body(obj=obj, **clean_kwargs) response_body = self._get_response(request_body=request_body, **clean_kwargs) obj = taniumpy.BaseType.fromSOAPBody(body=response_body) return obj
[docs] def add(self, obj, **kwargs): """Creates and sends a AddObject XML Request body from `obj` and parses the response into an appropriate :mod:`taniumpy` object Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to add Returns ------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * added object """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['obj', 'request_body'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) request_body = self._create_add_object_body(obj=obj, **clean_kwargs) response_body = self._get_response(request_body=request_body, **clean_kwargs) obj = taniumpy.BaseType.fromSOAPBody(body=response_body) return obj
[docs] def delete(self, obj, **kwargs): """Creates and sends a DeleteObject XML Request body from `obj` and parses the response into an appropriate :mod:`taniumpy` object Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to delete Returns ------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * deleted object """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['obj', 'request_body'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) request_body = self._create_delete_object_body(obj=obj, **clean_kwargs) response_body = self._get_response(request_body=request_body, **clean_kwargs) obj = taniumpy.BaseType.fromSOAPBody(body=response_body) return obj
[docs] def run_plugin(self, obj, **kwargs): """Creates and sends a RunPlugin XML Request body from `obj` and parses the response into an appropriate :mod:`taniumpy` object Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to run Returns ------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * results from running object """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['obj', 'request_body'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) request_body = self._create_run_plugin_object_body(obj=obj, **clean_kwargs) response_body = self._get_response(request_body=request_body, **clean_kwargs) obj = taniumpy.BaseType.fromSOAPBody(body=response_body) return obj
[docs] def get_result_info(self, obj, **kwargs): """Creates and sends a GetResultInfo XML Request body from `obj` and parses the response into an appropriate :mod:`taniumpy` object Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to get result info for Returns ------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.result_info.ResultInfo` * ResultInfo for `obj` """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['obj', 'request_body'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) request_body = self._create_get_result_info_body(obj=obj, **clean_kwargs) response_body = self._get_response(request_body=request_body, **clean_kwargs) # parse the ResultXML node into it's own element resultxml_text = self._extract_resultxml(response_body=response_body) cdata_el = ET.fromstring(resultxml_text) obj = taniumpy.ResultInfo.fromSOAPElement(cdata_el) obj._RAW_XML = resultxml_text return obj
[docs] def get_result_data(self, obj, **kwargs): """Creates and sends a GetResultData XML Request body from `obj` and parses the response into an appropriate :mod:`taniumpy` object Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to get result set for Returns ------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.result_set.ResultSet` * otherwise, `obj` will be the ResultSet for `obj` """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['obj', 'request_body'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) request_body = self._create_get_result_data_body(obj=obj, **clean_kwargs) response_body = self._get_response(request_body=request_body, **clean_kwargs) # parse the ResultXML node into it's own element resultxml_text = self._extract_resultxml(response_body=response_body) cdata_el = ET.fromstring(resultxml_text) obj = taniumpy.ResultSet.fromSOAPElement(cdata_el) obj._RAW_XML = resultxml_text return obj
[docs] def get_result_data_sse(self, obj, **kwargs): """Creates and sends a GetResultData XML Request body that starts a server side export from `obj` and parses the response for an export_id. Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to start server side export Returns ------- export_id : str * value of export_id element found in response """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['obj', 'request_body'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) request_body = self._create_get_result_data_body(obj=obj, **clean_kwargs) response_body = self._get_response(request_body=request_body, **clean_kwargs) # if there is an export_id node, return the contents of that export_id = self._regex_body_for_element( body=response_body, element='export_id', fail=True, ) return export_id
[docs] def get_server_info(self, port=None, fallback_port=444, **kwargs): """Gets the /info.json Parameters ---------- port : int, optional * default: None * port to attempt getting /info.json from, if not specified will use self.port fallback_port : int, optional * default: 444 * fallback port to attempt getting /info.json from if `port` fails Returns ------- info_dict : dict * raw json response converted into python dict * 'diags_flat': info.json flattened out into an easier to use structure for python handling * 'server_info_pass_msgs': messages about successfully retrieving info.json * 'server_info_fail_msgs': messages about failing to retrieve info.json See Also -------- :func:`pytan.sessions.Session._flatten_server_info` : method to flatten the dictionary received from info.json into a python friendly format Notes ----- * 6.2 /info.json is only available on soap port (default port: 444) * 6.5 /info.json is only available on server port (default port: 443) """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self._check_auth() url = self.INFO_RES if port is None: port = self.port req_args = {} req_args['port'] = port req_args['url'] = url req_args['retry_count'] = 0 req_args['connect_timeout'] = kwargs.get('connect_timeout', self.INFO_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC) req_args['response_timeout'] = kwargs.get( 'response_timeout', self.INFO_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC ) req_args['pytan_help'] = kwargs.get('pytan_help', '') info_body = '' server_info_pass_msgs = [] server_info_fail_msgs = [] ok_m = "Successfully retrieved server info from {}:{}/{}".format bad_m = "Failed to retrieve server info from {}:{}/{}, {}".format json_fail_m = "Failed to parse server info from json, error: {}".format diags_flat_fail_m = "Failed to flatten server info from json, error: {}".format try: info_body = self.http_get(**req_args) server_info_pass_msgs.append(ok_m(, port, self.INFO_RES)) except Exception as e: self.mylog.debug(bad_m(, port, self.INFO_RES, e)) server_info_fail_msgs.append(bad_m(, port, self.INFO_RES, e)) if not info_body: req_args['port'] = fallback_port try: info_body = self.http_post(**req_args) server_info_pass_msgs.append(ok_m(, port, self.INFO_RES)) except Exception as e: self.mylog.debug(bad_m(, port, self.INFO_RES, e)) server_info_fail_msgs.append(bad_m(, port, self.INFO_RES, e)) try: info_dict = json.loads(info_body) except Exception as e: info_dict = {'info_body_failed_json': info_body} server_info_fail_msgs.append(json_fail_m(e)) try: diagnostics = info_dict.get('Diagnostics', []) info_dict['diags_flat'] = self._flatten_server_info(structure=diagnostics) except Exception as e: info_dict['diags_flat'] = {} server_info_fail_msgs.append(diags_flat_fail_m(e)) info_dict['server_info_pass_msgs'] = server_info_pass_msgs info_dict['server_info_fail_msgs'] = server_info_fail_msgs return info_dict
[docs] def get_server_version(self, **kwargs): """Tries to parse the server version from /info.json Returns ------- str * str containing server version from /info.json """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) if not self._invalid_server_version(): return self.server_version h = "Get the server version via /info.json" pytan_help = kwargs.get('pytan_help', h) kwargs['pytan_help'] = pytan_help server_version = "Unable to determine" if not getattr(self, 'server_info', {}): self.server_info = self.get_server_info(**kwargs) if not getattr(self, 'server_info', {}): return server_version version = None try: version = self.server_info['diags_flat']['Settings']['Version'] except: m = "Unable to find Version key in Settings: {}".format self.mylog.debug(m(self.server_info['diags_flat'])) if version: server_version = version else: m = "Unable to find Version key in Settings: {}".format self.mylog.debug(m(self.server_info['diags_flat'])) if server_version: self.server_version = str(server_version) return server_version
[docs] def get_server_stats(self, **kwargs): """Creates a str containing a number of stats gathered from /info.json Returns ------- str * str containing stats from /info.json See Also -------- :data:`pytan.sessions.Session.STATS_LOOP_TARGETS` : list of dict containing stat keys to pull from /info.json """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) try: self._check_auth() except: return "Not yet authenticated!" si = self.get_server_info(**kwargs) try: diags = si['diags_flat'] except: pass stats_resolved = [ self._find_stat_target(target=t, diags=diags) for t in self.STATS_LOOP_TARGETS ] stats_text = ", ".join(["{}: {}".format(*i.items()[0]) for i in stats_resolved]) return stats_text
[docs] def enable_stats_loop(self, sleep=None): """Enables the stats loop thread, which will print out the results of :func:`pytan.sessions.Session.get_server_stats` every :data:`pytan.sessions.Session.STATS_LOOP_SLEEP_SEC` Parameters ---------- sleep : int, optional * when enabling the stats loop, update :data:`pytan.sessions.Session.STATS_LOOP_SLEEP_SEC` with `sleep` See Also -------- :func:`pytan.sessions.Session._stats_loop` : method started as a thread which checks self.STATS_LOOP_ENABLED before running :func:`pytan.sessions.Session.get_server_stats` """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self.STATS_LOOP_ENABLED = True if isinstance(sleep, int): self.STATS_LOOP_SLEEP_SEC = sleep
[docs] def disable_stats_loop(self, sleep=None): """Disables the stats loop thread, which will print out the results of :func:`pytan.sessions.Session.get_server_stats` every :data:`pytan.sessions.Session.STATS_LOOP_SLEEP_SEC` Parameters ---------- sleep : int, optional * when disabling the stats loop, update :data:`pytan.sessions.Session.STATS_LOOP_SLEEP_SEC` with `sleep` See Also -------- :func:`pytan.sessions.Session._stats_loop` : method started as a thread which checks self.STATS_LOOP_ENABLED before running :func:`pytan.sessions.Session.get_server_stats` """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self.STATS_LOOP_ENABLED = False if isinstance(sleep, int): self.STATS_LOOP_SLEEP_SEC = sleep
[docs] def http_get(self, url, **kwargs): """This is an authenticated HTTP GET method. It will always forcibly use the authentication credentials that are stored in the current object when performing an HTTP GET. Parameters ---------- url : str * url to fetch on the server host : str, optional * default: * host to connect to port : int, optional * default: self.port * port to connect to headers : dict, optional * default: {} * headers to supply as part of GET request connect_timeout : int, optional * default: self.SOAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC * timeout in seconds for connection to host response_timeout : int, optional * default: self.SOAP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC * timeout in seconds for response from host debug : bool, optional * default: self.HTTP_DEBUG * False: do not print requests debug messages * True: print requests debug messages auth_retry : bool, optional * default: self.HTTP_AUTH_RETRY * True: retry authentication with username/password if session_id fails * False: throw exception if session_id fails retry_count : int, optional * default: self.HTTP_RETRY_COUNT * number of times to retry the GET request if the server fails to respond properly or in time pytan_help : str, optional * default: '' * help string to add to self.LAST_REQUESTS_RESPONSE.pytan_help Returns ------- body : str * str containing body of response from server See Also -------- :func:`pytan.sessions.Session._http_get` : private method used to perform the actual HTTP GET """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self._check_auth() headers = kwargs.get('headers', {}) headers = self._replace_auth(headers=headers) req_args = {} req_args['host'] = kwargs.get('server', req_args['port'] = kwargs.get('port', self.port) req_args['url'] = url req_args['headers'] = headers req_args['connect_timeout'] = kwargs.get('connect_timeout', self.SOAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC) req_args['response_timeout'] = kwargs.get( 'response_timeout', self.SOAP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC ) req_args['debug'] = kwargs.get('debug', self.HTTP_DEBUG) req_args['pytan_help'] = kwargs.get('pytan_help', '') auth_retry = kwargs.get('auth_retry', self.HTTP_AUTH_RETRY) retry_count = kwargs.get('retry_count', self.HTTP_RETRY_COUNT) if not retry_count or type(retry_count) != int: retry_count = 0 current_try = 1 while True: try: body = self._http_get(**req_args) break except pytan.exceptions.AuthorizationError: if self._session_id and auth_retry: self._session_id = '' self.authenticate(**kwargs) body = self.http_get(auth_retry=False, **kwargs) else: raise except Exception as e: if retry_count == 0: raise m = "http_get failed on attempt {} out of {}: {}".format self.mylog.debug(m(current_try, retry_count, e)) if current_try == retry_count: self.mylog.warning(m(current_try, retry_count, e)) raise current_try += 1 return body
[docs] def http_post(self, **kwargs): """This is an authenticated HTTP POST method. It will always forcibly use the authentication credentials that are stored in the current object when performing an HTTP POST. Parameters ---------- url : str, optional * default: self.SOAP_RES * url to fetch on the server host : str, optional * default: * host to connect to port : int, optional * default: self.port * port to connect to headers : dict, optional * default: {} * headers to supply as part of POST request body : str, optional * default: '' * body to send as part of the POST request connect_timeout : int, optional * default: self.SOAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC * timeout in seconds for connection to host response_timeout : int, optional * default: self.SOAP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC * timeout in seconds for response from host debug : bool, optional * default: self.HTTP_DEBUG * False: do not print requests debug messages * True: print requests debug messages auth_retry : bool, optional * default: self.HTTP_AUTH_RETRY * True: retry authentication with username/password if session_id fails * False: throw exception if session_id fails retry_count : int, optional * default: self.HTTP_RETRY_COUNT * number of times to retry the POST request if the server fails to respond properly or in time pytan_help : str, optional * default: '' * help string to add to self.LAST_REQUESTS_RESPONSE.pytan_help Returns ------- body : str * str containing body of response from server See Also -------- :func:`pytan.sessions.Session._http_post` : private method used to perform the actual HTTP POST """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self._check_auth() headers = kwargs.get('headers', {}) headers = self._replace_auth(headers=headers) req_args = {} req_args['host'] = kwargs.get('server', req_args['port'] = kwargs.get('port', self.port) req_args['url'] = kwargs.get('url', self.SOAP_RES) req_args['headers'] = headers req_args['body'] = kwargs.get('body', None) req_args['connect_timeout'] = kwargs.get('connect_timeout', self.SOAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC) req_args['response_timeout'] = kwargs.get( 'response_timeout', self.SOAP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC ) req_args['debug'] = kwargs.get('debug', self.HTTP_DEBUG) req_args['pytan_help'] = kwargs.get('pytan_help', '') auth_retry = kwargs.get('auth_retry', self.HTTP_AUTH_RETRY) retry_count = kwargs.get('retry_count', self.HTTP_RETRY_COUNT) if not retry_count or type(retry_count) != int: retry_count = 0 current_try = 1 while True: try: body = self._http_post(**req_args) break except pytan.exceptions.AuthorizationError: if self._session_id and auth_retry: self._session_id = '' self.authenticate() body = self.http_post(auth_retry=False, **kwargs) else: raise except Exception as e: if retry_count == 0: raise m = "http_post failed on attempt {} out of {}: {}".format self.mylog.debug(m(current_try, retry_count, e)) if current_try == retry_count: self.mylog.warning(m(current_try, retry_count, e)) raise current_try += 1 return body
[docs] def _http_get(self, host, port, url, headers=None, connect_timeout=15, response_timeout=180, debug=False, pytan_help='', **kwargs): """This is an HTTP GET method that utilizes the :mod:`requests` package. Parameters ---------- host : str * host to connect to port : int * port to connect to url : str * url to fetch on the server headers : dict, optional * default: None * headers to supply as part of POST request connect_timeout : int, optional * default: 15 * timeout in seconds for connection to host response_timeout : int, optional * default: 180 * timeout in seconds for response from host debug : bool, optional * default: False * False: do not print requests debug messages * True: print requests debug messages pytan_help : str, optional * default: '' * help string to add to self.LAST_REQUESTS_RESPONSE.pytan_help perform_xml_clean : bool, optional * default: False * False: Do not run the response_body through an XML cleaner * True: Run the response_body through an XML cleaner before returning it clean_restricted : bool, optional * default: True * True: When XML cleaning the response_body, remove restricted characters as well as invalid characters * False: When XML cleaning the response_body, remove only invalid characters log_clean_messages : bool, optional * default: True * True: When XML cleaning the response_body, enable logging messages about invalid/restricted matches * False: When XML cleaning the response_body, disable logging messages about invalid/restricted matches log_bad_characters : bool, optional * default: False * False: When XML cleaning the response_body, disable logging messages about the actual characters that were invalid/restricted * True: When XML cleaning the response_body, enable logging messages about the actual characters that were invalid/restricted Returns ------- body : str * str containing body of response from server """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) full_url = self._full_url(host=host, port=port, url=url) cleaned_headers = self._clean_headers(headers=headers) self.httplog.debug("HTTP request: GET to {}".format(full_url)) self.httplog.debug("HTTP request: headers: {}".format(cleaned_headers)) req_args = {} req_args['headers'] = headers req_args['timeout'] = (connect_timeout, response_timeout) try: response = self.REQUESTS_SESSION.get(full_url, **req_args) response.pytan_help = pytan_help except Exception as e: m = "HTTP response: GET request to {!r} failed: {}".format raise pytan.exceptions.HttpError(m(full_url, e)) self.LAST_REQUESTS_RESPONSE = response if self.RECORD_ALL_REQUESTS: self.ALL_REQUESTS_RESPONSES.append(response) response_body = response.text response_headers = response.headers perform_xml_clean = kwargs.get('perform_xml_clean', False) if perform_xml_clean: xml_clean_args = {} xml_clean_args['s'] = response_body xml_clean_args['clean_restricted'] = kwargs.get('clean_restricted', True) xml_clean_args['log_clean_messages'] = kwargs.get('log_clean_messages', True) xml_clean_args['log_bad_characters'] = kwargs.get('log_bad_characters', False) response_body = xml_cleaner(**xml_clean_args) m = "HTTP response: from {!r} len:{}, status:{} {}, body type: {}".format self.httplog.debug(m( full_url, len(response_body), response.status_code, response.reason, type(response_body), )) self.httplog.debug("HTTP response: headers: {}".format(response_headers)) if response.status_code in self.AUTH_FAIL_CODES: m = "HTTP response: GET request to {!r} returned code: {}, body: {}".format raise pytan.exceptions.AuthorizationError(m( full_url, response.status_code, response_body)) if not response.ok: m = "HTTP response: GET request to {!r} returned code: {}, body: {}".format raise pytan.exceptions.HttpError(m(full_url, response.status_code, response_body)) self.bodyhttplog.debug("HTTP response: body:\n{}".format(response_body)) return response_body
[docs] def _http_post(self, host, port, url, body=None, headers=None, connect_timeout=15, response_timeout=180, debug=False, pytan_help='', **kwargs): """This is an HTTP POST method that utilizes the :mod:`requests` package. Parameters ---------- host : str * host to connect to port : int * port to connect to url : str * url to fetch on the server body : str, optional * default: None * body to send as part of the POST request headers : dict, optional * default: None * headers to supply as part of POST request connect_timeout : int, optional * default: 15 * timeout in seconds for connection to host response_timeout : int, optional * default: 180 * timeout in seconds for response from host debug : bool, optional * default: False * False: do not print requests debug messages * True: print requests debug messages pytan_help : str, optional * default: '' * help string to add to self.LAST_REQUESTS_RESPONSE.pytan_help perform_xml_clean : bool, optional * default: True * True: Run the response_body through an XML cleaner before returning it * False: Do not run the response_body through an XML cleaner clean_restricted : bool, optional * default: True * True: When XML cleaning the response_body, remove restricted characters as well as invalid characters * False: When XML cleaning the response_body, remove only invalid characters log_clean_messages : bool, optional * default: True * True: When XML cleaning the response_body, enable logging messages about invalid/restricted matches * False: When XML cleaning the response_body, disable logging messages about invalid/restricted matches log_bad_characters : bool, optional * default: False * False: When XML cleaning the response_body, disable logging messages about the actual characters that were invalid/restricted * True: When XML cleaning the response_body, enable logging messages about the actual characters that were invalid/restricted Returns ------- body : str * str containing body of response from server See Also -------- :func:`pytan.xml_clean.xml_cleaner` : function to remove invalid/bad characters from XML responses """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) full_url = self._full_url(host=host, port=port, url=url) cleaned_headers = self._clean_headers(headers=headers) self.httplog.debug("HTTP request: POST to {}".format(full_url)) self.httplog.debug("HTTP request: headers: {}".format(cleaned_headers)) if not body: print_body = '' else: print_body = '\n{}'.format(body) self.bodyhttplog.debug("HTTP request: body:{}".format(print_body)) req_args = {} req_args['headers'] = headers req_args['data'] = body req_args['timeout'] = (connect_timeout, response_timeout) try: response =, **req_args) response.pytan_help = pytan_help except Exception as e: m = "HTTP response: POST request to {!r} failed: {}".format raise pytan.exceptions.HttpError(m(full_url, e)) self.LAST_REQUESTS_RESPONSE = response if self.RECORD_ALL_REQUESTS: self.ALL_REQUESTS_RESPONSES.append(response) response_body = response.text response_headers = response.headers perform_xml_clean = kwargs.get('perform_xml_clean', True) if perform_xml_clean: xml_clean_args = {} xml_clean_args['s'] = response_body xml_clean_args['clean_restricted'] = kwargs.get('clean_restricted', True) xml_clean_args['log_clean_messages'] = kwargs.get('log_clean_messages', True) xml_clean_args['log_bad_characters'] = kwargs.get('log_bad_characters', False) response_body = xml_cleaner(**xml_clean_args) m = "HTTP response: from {!r} len:{}, status:{} {}, body type: {}".format self.httplog.debug(m( full_url, len(response_body), response.status_code, response.reason, type(response_body), )) self.httplog.debug("HTTP response: headers: {}".format(response_headers)) if response.status_code in self.AUTH_FAIL_CODES: m = "HTTP response: POST request to {!r} returned code: {}, body: {}".format m = m(full_url, response.status_code, response_body) raise pytan.exceptions.AuthorizationError(m) if not response_body: m = "HTTP response: POST request to {!r} returned empty body".format raise pytan.exceptions.HttpError(m(full_url)) if not response.ok: m = "HTTP response: POST request to {!r} returned code: {}, body: {}".format raise pytan.exceptions.HttpError(m(full_url, response.status_code, response_body)) self.bodyhttplog.debug("HTTP response: body:\n{}".format(response_body)) return response_body
[docs] def _replace_auth(self, headers): """Utility method for removing username, password, and/or session from supplied headers and replacing them with the current objects session or username and password Parameters ---------- headers : dict * dict of key/value pairs for a set of headers for a given request Returns ------- headers : dict * dict of key/value pairs for a set of headers for a given request """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) for k in dict(headers): if k in ['username', 'password', 'session']: self.authlog.debug("Removing header {!r}".format(k)) headers.pop(k) if self._session_id: headers['session'] = self._session_id self.authlog.debug("Using session ID for authentication headers") elif self._username and self._password: headers['username'] = b64encode(self._username) headers['password'] = b64encode(self._password) self.authlog.debug("Using Username/Password for authentication headers") return headers
[docs] def _full_url(self, url, **kwargs): """Utility method for constructing a full url Parameters ---------- url : str * url to use in string host : str, optional * default: * hostname/IP address to use in string port : str, optional * default: self.port * port to use in string Returns ------- full_url : str * full url in the form of https://$host:$port/$url """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) host = kwargs.get('host', port = kwargs.get('port', self.port) full_url = "https://{0}:{1}/{2}".format(host, port, url) return full_url
[docs] def _clean_headers(self, headers=None): """Utility method for getting the headers for the current request, combining them with the session headers used for every request, and obfuscating the value of any 'password' header. Parameters ---------- headers : dict * dict of key/value pairs for a set of headers for a given request Returns ------- headers : dict * dict of key/value pairs for a set of cleaned headers for a given request """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_headers = dict(headers or {}) return_headers = {} return_headers.update(self.REQUESTS_SESSION.headers) return_headers.update(clean_headers) if 'password' in return_headers: return_headers['password'] = '**PASSWORD**' return return_headers
[docs] def _start_stats_thread(self, **kwargs): """Utility method starting the :func:`pytan.sessions.Session._stats_loop` method in a threaded daemon""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) stats_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._stats_loop, args=(), kwargs=kwargs) stats_thread.daemon = True stats_thread.start()
[docs] def platform_is_6_5(self, **kwargs): """Check to see if self.server_version is less than 6.5 Returns ------- is6_5 : bool * True if self.force_server_version is greater than or equal to 6.5 * True if self.server_version is greater than or equal to 6.5 * False if self.server_version is less than 6.5 """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) if self.force_server_version: if self.force_server_version >= '6.5': return True else: return False if self._invalid_server_version(): # server version is not valid, force a refresh right now self.get_server_version(**kwargs) if self._invalid_server_version(): # server version is STILL invalid, we will assume its 6.2 since port 444 may be # inaccessible return False is6_5 = self.server_version >= '6.5' return is6_5
[docs] def _stats_loop(self, **kwargs): """Utility method for logging server stats via :func:`pytan.sessions.Session.get_server_stats` every self.STATS_LOOP_SLEEP_SEC""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) while True: if self.STATS_LOOP_ENABLED: server_stats = self.get_server_stats(**kwargs) self.statslog.warning(server_stats) time.sleep(self.STATS_LOOP_SLEEP_SEC)
[docs] def _flatten_server_info(self, structure): """Utility method for flattening the JSON structure for info.json into a more python usable format Parameters ---------- structure * dict/tuple/list to flatten Returns ------- flattened * the dict/tuple/list flattened out """ # self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) flattened = structure if isinstance(structure, dict): for k, v in flattened.iteritems(): flattened[k] = self._flatten_server_info(structure=v) elif isinstance(structure, (tuple, list)): if all([isinstance(x, dict) for x in structure]): flattened = {} [flattened.update(self._flatten_server_info(structure=i)) for i in structure] return flattened
[docs] def _get_percentage(self, part, whole): """Utility method for getting percentage of part out of whole Parameters ---------- part: int, float whole: int, float Returns ------- str : the percentage of part out of whole in 2 decimal places """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) f = 100 * float(part) / float(whole) return "{0:.2f}%".format(f)
[docs] def _find_stat_target(self, target, diags): """Utility method for finding a target in info.json and returning the value, optionally performing a percentage calculation on two values if the target[0] starts with percentage( Parameters ---------- target : list * index0 : label : human friendly name to refer to search_path * index1 : search_path : / seperated search path to find a given value from info.json diags : dict * flattened dictionary of info.json diagnostics Returns ------- dict * label : same as provided in `target` index0 (label) * result : value resolved from :func:`pytan.sessions.Session._resolve_stat_target` for `target` index1 (search_path) """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) try: label, search_path = target.items()[0] except Exception as e: label = "Parse Failure" result = "Unable to parse stat target: {}, exception: {}".format(target, e) return {label: result} if search_path.startswith('percentage('): points = search_path.lstrip('percentage(').rstrip(')') points = [ self._resolve_stat_target(search_path=p, diags=diags) for p in points.split(',') ] try: result = self._get_percentage(part=points[0], whole=points[1]) except: result = ', '.join(points) else: result = self._resolve_stat_target(search_path=search_path, diags=diags) return {label: result}
[docs] def _resolve_stat_target(self, search_path, diags): """Utility method for resolving the value of search_path in info.json and returning the value Parameters ---------- search_path : str * / seperated search path to find a given value from info.json diags : dict * flattened dictionary of info.json diagnostics Returns ------- str * value resolved from `diags` for `search_path` """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) try: for i in search_path.split('/'): diags = diags.get(i) except Exception as e: return "Unable to find diagnostic: {}, exception: {}".format(search_path, e) return diags
[docs] def _build_body(self, command, object_list, log_options=False, **kwargs): """Utility method for building an XML Request Body Parameters ---------- command : str * text to use in command node when building template object_list : str * XML string to use in object list node when building template kwargs : dict, optional * any number of attributes that can be set via :class:`taniumpy.object_types.options.Options` that control the servers response. log_options : bool, optional * default: False * False: Do not print messages setting attributes in Options from keys in kwargs * True: Print messages setting attributes in Options from keys in kwargs Returns ------- body : str * The XML request body created from the string.template self.REQUEST_BODY_TEMPLATE """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) options_obj = taniumpy.Options() for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): if hasattr(options_obj, k): if log_options: m = "Setting Options attribute {!r} to value {!r}".format self.mylog.debug(m(k, v)) setattr(options_obj, k, v) else: if log_options: m = "Ignoring argument {!r} for options list, not a valid attribute".format self.mylog.debug(m(k)) options = options_obj.toSOAPBody(minimal=True) body_template = string.Template(self.REQUEST_BODY_BASE) body = body_template.substitute(command=command, object_list=object_list, options=options) return body
[docs] def _create_run_plugin_object_body(self, obj, **kwargs): """Utility method for building an XML Request Body to run a plugin Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to convert into XML kwargs : dict, optional * any number of attributes that can be set via :class:`taniumpy.object_types.options.Options` that control the servers response. Returns ------- obj_body : str * The XML request body created from :func:`pytan.sessions.Session._build_body` """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['command', 'object_list'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) object_list = obj.toSOAPBody(minimal=True) cmd = 'RunPlugin' obj_body = self._build_body(command=cmd, object_list=object_list, **clean_kwargs) return obj_body
[docs] def _create_add_object_body(self, obj, **kwargs): """Utility method for building an XML Request Body to add an object Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to convert into XML kwargs : dict, optional * any number of attributes that can be set via :class:`taniumpy.object_types.options.Options` that control the servers response. Returns ------- obj_body : str * The XML request body created from :func:`pytan.sessions.Session._build_body` """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['command', 'object_list'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) object_list = obj.toSOAPBody(minimal=True) cmd = 'AddObject' obj_body = self._build_body(command=cmd, object_list=object_list, **clean_kwargs) return obj_body
[docs] def _create_delete_object_body(self, obj, **kwargs): """Utility method for building an XML Request Body to delete an object Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to convert into XML kwargs : dict, optional * any number of attributes that can be set via :class:`taniumpy.object_types.options.Options` that control the servers response. Returns ------- obj_body : str * The XML request body created from :func:`pytan.sessions.Session._build_body` """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['command', 'object_list'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) object_list = obj.toSOAPBody(minimal=True) cmd = 'DeleteObject' obj_body = self._build_body(command=cmd, object_list=object_list, **clean_kwargs) return obj_body
[docs] def _create_get_result_info_body(self, obj, **kwargs): """Utility method for building an XML Request Body to get result info for an object Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to convert into XML kwargs : dict, optional * any number of attributes that can be set via :class:`taniumpy.object_types.options.Options` that control the servers response. Returns ------- obj_body : str * The XML request body created from :func:`pytan.sessions.Session._build_body` """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['command', 'object_list'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) object_list = obj.toSOAPBody(minimal=True) cmd = 'GetResultInfo' obj_body = self._build_body(command=cmd, object_list=object_list, **clean_kwargs) return obj_body
[docs] def _create_get_result_data_body(self, obj, **kwargs): """Utility method for building an XML Request Body to get result data for an object Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to convert into XML kwargs : dict, optional * any number of attributes that can be set via :class:`taniumpy.object_types.options.Options` that control the servers response. Returns ------- obj_body : str * The XML request body created from :func:`pytan.sessions.Session._build_body` """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['command', 'object_list'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) object_list = obj.toSOAPBody(minimal=True) cmd = 'GetResultData' obj_body = self._build_body(command=cmd, object_list=object_list, **clean_kwargs) return obj_body
[docs] def _create_get_object_body(self, obj, **kwargs): """Utility method for building an XML Request Body to get an object Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to convert into XML kwargs : dict, optional * any number of attributes that can be set via :class:`taniumpy.object_types.options.Options` that control the servers response. Returns ------- obj_body : str * The XML request body created from :func:`pytan.sessions.Session._build_body` """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['command', 'object_list'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) if isinstance(obj, taniumpy.BaseType): object_list = obj.toSOAPBody(minimal=True) else: object_list = '<{}/>'.format(obj._soap_tag) cmd = 'GetObject' obj_body = self._build_body(command=cmd, object_list=object_list, **clean_kwargs) return obj_body
[docs] def _create_update_object_body(self, obj, **kwargs): """Utility method for building an XML Request Body to update an object Parameters ---------- obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.base.BaseType` * object to convert into XML kwargs : dict, optional * any number of attributes that can be set via :class:`taniumpy.object_types.options.Options` that control the servers response. Returns ------- obj_body : str * The XML request body created from :func:`pytan.sessions.Session._build_body` """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['command', 'object_list'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) object_list = obj.toSOAPBody(minimal=True) cmd = 'UpdateObject' obj_body = self._build_body(command=cmd, object_list=object_list, **clean_kwargs) return obj_body
[docs] def _check_auth(self): """Utility method to check if authentication has been done yet, and throw an exception if not """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) if not self.is_auth: class_name = self.__class__.__name__ err = "Not yet authenticated, use {}.authenticate()!".format raise pytan.exceptions.AuthorizationError(err(class_name))
[docs] def _regex_body_for_element(self, body, element, fail=True): """Utility method to use a regex to get an element from an XML body Parameters ---------- body : str * XML to search element : str * element name to search for in body fail : bool, optional * default: True * True: throw exception if unable to find any matches for `regex` in `body` * False do not throw exception if unable to find any matches for `regex` in `body` Returns ------- ret : str * The first value that matches the regex ELEMENT_RE_TXT with element Notes ----- * Using regex is WAY faster than ElementTree chewing the body in and out, this matters a LOT on LARGE return bodies """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) regex_txt = self.ELEMENT_RE_TXT.format(element) regex = re.compile(regex_txt, re.IGNORECASE | re.DOTALL) ret = if not ret and fail: m = "Unable to find {} in body: {}".format raise Exception(m(regex.pattern, body)) else: ret = str(ret.groups()[0].strip()) m = "Value of element '{}': '{}' (using pattern: '{}'".format self.mylog.debug(m(element, ret, regex.pattern)) return ret
[docs] def _extract_resultxml(self, response_body): """Utility method to get the 'ResultXML' element from an XML body Parameters ---------- response_body : str * XML body to search for the 'ResultXML' element in Returns ------- ret : str of ResultXML element * str if 'export_id' element found in XML """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) el = ET.fromstring(response_body) # find the ResultXML node resultxml_el = el.find('.//ResultXML') if resultxml_el is None: m = "Unable to find ResultXML element in XML response: {}".format raise pytan.exceptions.AuthorizationError(m(response_body)) resultxml_text = resultxml_el.text if not resultxml_text: m = "Empty ResultXML element in XML response: {}".format raise pytan.exceptions.AuthorizationError(m(response_body)) return resultxml_text
[docs] def _get_response(self, request_body, **kwargs): """This is a wrapper around :func:`pytan.sessions.Session.http_post` for SOAP XML requests and responses. This method will update self.session_id if the response contains a different session_id than what is currently in this object. Parameters ---------- request_body : str * the XML request body to send to the server connect_timeout: int, optional * default: self.SOAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC * timeout in seconds for connection to host response_timeout: int, optional * default: self.SOAP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC * timeout in seconds for response from host retry_auth: bool, optional * default: True * True: retry authentication with username/password if session_id fails * False: throw exception if session_id fails retry_count: int, optional * number of times to retry the request if the server fails to respond properly or in time pytan_help : str, optional * default: '' * help string to add to self.LAST_REQUESTS_RESPONSE.pytan_help Returns ------- body : str * str containing body of response from server See Also -------- :func:`pytan.sessions.Session.http_post` : wrapper method used to perform the HTTP POST """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) retry_auth = kwargs.get('retry_auth', True) self._check_auth() self.LAST_RESPONSE_INFO = {} request_command = self._regex_body_for_element( body=request_body, element='command', fail=True, ) self.LAST_RESPONSE_INFO['request_command'] = request_command req_args = {} req_args['body'] = request_body req_args['headers'] = dict(self.SOAP_REQUEST_HEADERS) req_args['connect_timeout'] = kwargs.get('connect_timeout', self.SOAP_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_SEC) req_args['response_timeout'] = kwargs.get( 'response_timeout', self.SOAP_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_SEC ) req_args['pytan_help'] = kwargs.get('pytan_help', '') if 'retry_count' in kwargs: req_args['retry_count'] = kwargs['retry_count'] self.LAST_RESPONSE_INFO['request_args'] = req_args sent = datetime.utcnow() self.LAST_RESPONSE_INFO['sent'] = sent response_body = self.http_post(**req_args) received = datetime.utcnow() self.LAST_RESPONSE_INFO['received'] = received elapsed = received - sent self.LAST_RESPONSE_INFO['elapsed'] = elapsed # m = "HTTP Response: Timing info -- SENT: {}, RECEIVED: {}, ELAPSED: {}".format # self.mylog.debug(m(sent, received, elapsed)) response_command = self._regex_body_for_element( body=response_body, element='command', fail=True, ) self.LAST_RESPONSE_INFO['response_command'] = response_command if 'forbidden' in response_command.lower(): if retry_auth: m = "Last request was denied, re-authenticating with user/pass".format self.authlog.debug(m()) # we may have hit the 5 minute expiration for session_id, empty out session ID, # re-authenticate, then retry request self._session_id = '' self.authenticate(**kwargs) # re-issue the request kwargs['retry_auth'] = False response_body = self._get_response(request_body=request_body, **kwargs) else: m = "Access denied after re-authenticating! Server response: {}".format raise pytan.exceptions.AuthorizationError(m(response_command)) elif response_command != request_command: for p in self.BAD_RESPONSE_CMD_PRUNES: response_command = response_command.replace(p, '').strip() m = "Response command {} does not match request command {}".format raise pytan.exceptions.BadResponseError(m(response_command, request_command)) # update session_id, in case new one issued self.session_id = self._regex_body_for_element( body=response_body, element='session', fail=True, ) # check to see if server_version set in response (6.5+ only) if self._invalid_server_version(): server_version = self._regex_body_for_element( body=response_body, element='server_version', fail=False, ) if server_version and self.server_version != server_version: self.server_version = server_version return response_body
[docs] def _invalid_server_version(self): """Utility method to find out if self.server_version is valid or not""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) current_server_version = getattr(self, 'server_version', '') if current_server_version in self.BAD_SERVER_VERSIONS: return True return False
[docs] def _debug_locals(self, fname, flocals): """Method to print out locals for a function if self.DEBUG_METHOD_LOCALS is True""" if getattr(self, 'DEBUG_METHOD_LOCALS', False): m = "Local variables for {}.{}:\n{}".format self.methodlog.debug(m(self.__class__.__name__, fname, pprint.pformat(flocals)))