Source code for pytan.pollers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- mode: Python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
# ex: set tabstop=4
# Please do not change the two lines above. See PEP 8, PEP 263.
"""Collection of classes and methods for polling of actions/questions in :mod:`pytan`"""

import sys

# disable python from creating .pyc files everywhere
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True

import os
import logging
import time
import pprint
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta

my_file = os.path.abspath(__file__)
my_dir = os.path.dirname(my_file)
parent_dir = os.path.dirname(my_dir)
path_adds = [parent_dir]
[sys.path.insert(0, aa) for aa in path_adds if aa not in sys.path]

import taniumpy
import pytan

[docs]class QuestionPoller(object): """A class to poll the progress of a Question. The primary function of this class is to poll for result info for a question, and fire off events: * ProgressChanged * AnswersChanged * AnswersComplete Parameters ---------- handler : :class:`pytan.handler.Handler` * PyTan handler to use for GetResultInfo calls obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.question.Question` * object to poll for progress polling_secs : int, optional * default: 5 * Number of seconds to wait in between GetResultInfo loops complete_pct : int/float, optional * default: 99 * Percentage of mr_tested out of estimated_total to consider the question "done" override_timeout_secs : int, optional * default: 0 * If supplied and not 0, timeout in seconds instead of when object expires override_estimated_total : int, optional * instead of getting number of systems that should see this question from result_info.estimated_total, use this number force_passed_done_count : int, optional * when this number of systems have passed the right hand side of the question, consider the question complete """ OBJECT_TYPE = taniumpy.object_types.question.Question """valid type of object that can be passed in as obj to __init__""" STR_ATTRS = [ 'object_info', 'polling_secs', 'override_timeout_secs', 'complete_pct', 'expiration', ] """Class attributes to include in __str__ output""" COMPLETE_PCT_DEFAULT = 99 """default value for self.complete_pct""" POLLING_SECS_DEFAULT = 5 """default value for self.polling_secs""" OVERRIDE_TIMEOUT_SECS_DEFAULT = 0 """default value for self.override_timeout_secs""" EXPIRATION_ATTR = 'expiration' """attribute of self.obj that contains the expiration for this object""" EXPIRY_FALLBACK_SECS = 600 """If the EXPIRATION_ATTR of `obj` can't be automatically determined, then this is used as a fallback for timeout - polling will failed after this many seconds if completion not reached""" obj = None """The object for this poller""" handler = None """The Handler object for this poller""" result_info = None """This will be updated with the ResultInfo object during run() calls""" _stop = False """Controls whether a run() loop should stop or not""" def __init__(self, handler, obj, **kwargs): self.methodlog = logging.getLogger("method_debug") self.DEBUG_METHOD_LOCALS = kwargs.get('debug_method_locals', False) self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self.setup_logging() if not isinstance(handler, pytan.handler.Handler): m = "{} is not a valid handler instance! Must be a: {!r}".format raise pytan.exceptions.PollingError(m(type(handler), pytan.handler.Handler)) if not isinstance(obj, self.OBJECT_TYPE): m = "{} is not a valid object type! Must be a: {}".format raise pytan.exceptions.PollingError(m(type(obj), self.OBJECT_TYPE)) self.handler = handler self.obj = obj self.polling_secs = kwargs.get('polling_secs', self.POLLING_SECS_DEFAULT) self.complete_pct = kwargs.get('complete_pct', self.COMPLETE_PCT_DEFAULT) self.override_timeout_secs = kwargs.get( 'override_timeout_secs', self.OVERRIDE_TIMEOUT_SECS_DEFAULT, ) self.force_passed_done_count = kwargs.get('force_passed_done_count', 0) self.id_str = "ID {}: ".format(getattr(self.obj, 'id', '-1')) self.obj_id = self._derive_attribute(attr='id', fallback=None) self.id_str = "ID {}: ".format(self.obj_id) self.poller_result = None self._post_init(**kwargs)
[docs] def setup_logging(self): """Setup loggers for this object""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self.qualname = "pytan.pollers.{}".format(self.__class__.__name__) self.mylog = logging.getLogger(self.qualname) self.progresslog = logging.getLogger(self.qualname + ".progress") self.resolverlog = logging.getLogger(self.qualname + ".resolver")
def __str__(self): self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) class_name = self.__class__.__name__ attrs = ", ".join(['{0}: "{1}"'.format(x, getattr(self, x, None)) for x in self.STR_ATTRS]) ret = "{} {}".format(class_name, attrs) return ret
[docs] def _post_init(self, **kwargs): """Post init class setup""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self.override_estimated_total = kwargs.get('override_estimated_total', 0) self._derive_expiration(**kwargs) self._derive_object_info(**kwargs)
[docs] def _refetch_obj(self, **kwargs): """Utility method to re-fetch a object This is used in the case that the obj supplied does not have all the metadata available """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['obj'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) obj = self.handler._find(obj=self.obj, **clean_kwargs) if pytan.utils.empty_obj(obj): m = "Unable to find object: {}".format raise pytan.exceptions.PollingError(m(self.obj)) self.obj = obj
[docs] def _derive_attribute(self, attr, fallback='', **kwargs): """Derive an attributes value from self.obj Will re-fetch self.obj if the attribute is not set Parameters ---------- attr : string string of attribute name to fetch from self.obj fallback : string value to fallback to if it still can't be accessed after re-fetching the obj if fallback is None, an exception will be raised Returns ------- val : perspective The value of the attr from self.obj """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['obj', 'pytan_help'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) val = getattr(self.obj, attr, None) # if attr isn't available on the object, maybe it's only a partial object # let's use the handler to re-fetch it if val is None: m = "{}attribute {!r} is not set, issuing GetObject to get the full object".format m = m(self.id_str, attr) self.resolverlog.debug(m) self._refetch_obj(pytan_help=m, **clean_kwargs) val = getattr(self.obj, attr, '') if val is None: if fallback is None: m = "{}{!r} is None, even after re-fetching object".format raise pytan.exceptions.PollingError(m(self.id_str, attr)) m = ( "{}attribute {!r} is not set after re-fetching object - using fallback of {}" ).format self.resolverlog.debug(m(self.id_str, attr, fallback)) val = fallback m = "{}attribute '{}' resolved to '{}'".format self.mylog.debug(m(self.id_str, attr, val)) return val
[docs] def _derive_object_info(self, **kwargs): """Derive self.object_info from self.obj""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['attr', 'fallback'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) attr_name = 'query_text' fb = 'Unable to fetch question text' question_text = self._derive_attribute(attr=attr_name, fallback=fb, **clean_kwargs) attr_name = 'id' fb = -1 question_id = self._derive_attribute(attr=attr_name, fallback=fb, **clean_kwargs) object_info = "Question ID: {}, Query: {}".format(question_id, question_text) m = "{}'object_info' resolved to '{}'".format self.resolverlog.debug(m(self.id_str, object_info)) self.object_info = object_info
[docs] def _derive_expiration(self, **kwargs): """Derive the expiration datetime string from a object Will generate a datetime string from self.EXPIRY_FALLBACK_SECS if unable to get the expiration from the object (self.obj) itself. """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['attr', 'fallback'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) attr_name = self.EXPIRATION_ATTR fb = pytan.utils.seconds_from_now(secs=self.EXPIRY_FALLBACK_SECS) self.expiration = self._derive_attribute(attr=attr_name, fallback=fb, **clean_kwargs)
[docs] def run_callback(self, callbacks, callback, pct, **kwargs): """Utility method to find a callback in callbacks dict and run it """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) if not callbacks.get(callback, ''): return cb_clean_keys = ['poller', 'pct'] cb_clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=cb_clean_keys) try: m = "Running callback: {}".format self.mylog.debug(m(callback)) callbacks[callback](poller=self, pct=pct, **cb_clean_kwargs) except Exception as e: m = "Exception occurred in '{}' Callback: {}".format self.mylog.warning(m(callback, e))
[docs] def set_complect_pct(self, val): # noqa """Set the complete_pct to a new value Parameters ---------- val : int/float float value representing the new percentage to consider self.obj complete """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self.complete_pct = val
[docs] def get_result_info(self, **kwargs): """Simple utility wrapper around :func:`pytan.handler.Handler.get_result_info` Parameters ---------- gri_retry_count : int, optional * default: 10 * Number of times to re-try GetResultInfo when estimated_total comes back as 0 Returns ------- result_info : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.result_info.ResultInfo` """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) # add a retry to re-fetch result info if estimated_total == 0 gri_retry_count = kwargs.get('gri_retry_count', 10) clean_keys = ['obj', 'gri_retry_count'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) current_try = 1 while True: result_info = self.handler.get_result_info(obj=self.obj, **clean_kwargs) if result_info.estimated_total != 0: break attempt_text = "attempt {} out of {}".format(current_try, gri_retry_count) if current_try >= gri_retry_count: m = "Estimated Total of Clients is 0 -- no clients available?, {}".format raise pytan.exceptions.PollingError(m(attempt_text)) else: current_try += 1 h = "Re-issuing a GetResultInfo since the estimated_total came back 0, {}".format clean_kwargs['pytan_help'] = h(attempt_text) self.mylog.debug(h(attempt_text)) time.sleep(1) continue return result_info
[docs] def get_result_data(self, **kwargs): """Simple utility wrapper around :func:`pytan.handler.Handler.get_result_data` Returns ------- result_data : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.result_set.ResultSet` """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['obj'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) result_data = self.handler.get_result_data(obj=self.obj, **clean_kwargs) return result_data
[docs] def run(self, callbacks={}, **kwargs): """Poll for question data and issue callbacks. Parameters ---------- callbacks : dict * Callbacks should be a dict with any of these members: * 'ProgressChanged' * 'AnswersChanged' * 'AnswersComplete' * Each callback should be a function that accepts: * 'poller': a poller instance * 'pct': a percent complete * 'kwargs': a dict of other args gri_retry_count : int, optional * default: 10 * Number of times to re-try GetResultInfo when estimated_total comes back as 0 Notes ----- * Any callback can choose to get data from the session by calling poller.get_result_data() or new info by calling poller.get_result_info() * Any callback can choose to stop the poller by calling poller.stop() * Polling will be stopped only when one of the callbacks calls the stop() method or the answers are complete. * Any callback can call setPercentCompleteThreshold to change what "done" means on the fly """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self.start = datetime.utcnow() self.expiration_timeout = pytan.utils.timestr_to_datetime(timestr=self.expiration) if self.override_timeout_secs: td_obj = timedelta(seconds=self.override_timeout_secs) self.override_timeout = self.start + td_obj else: self.override_timeout = None clean_keys = ['callbacks'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) self.passed_eq_total = self.passed_eq_est_total_loop(callbacks=callbacks, **clean_kwargs) self.poller_result = all([self.passed_eq_total]) return self.poller_result
[docs] def passed_eq_est_total_loop(self, callbacks={}, **kwargs): """Method to poll Result Info for self.obj until the percentage of 'passed' out of 'estimated_total' is greater than or equal to self.complete_pct """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) # current percentage tracker self.pct = None # loop counter self.loop_count = 1 # establish a previous result_info that's empty self.previous_result_info = taniumpy.object_types.result_info.ResultInfo() while not self._stop: # perform a GetResultInfo SOAP call clean_keys = ['pytan_help', 'callback', 'pct'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) h = "Issue a GetResultInfo for a Question to check the current progress of answers" self.result_info = self.get_result_info(pytan_help=h, **clean_kwargs) # derive the current percentage of completion by calculating percentage of # mr_tested out of estimated_total # mr_tested = number of systems that have seen the question # estimated_total = rough estimate of total number of systems # passed = number of systems that have passed any filters for the question tested = self.result_info.mr_tested est_total = self.override_estimated_total or self.result_info.estimated_total passed = self.result_info.passed new_pct = pytan.utils.get_percentage(part=tested, whole=est_total) new_pct_str = "{0:.0f}%".format(new_pct) complete_pct_str = "{0:.0f}%".format(self.complete_pct) # print a progress debug string self.progress_str = ( "Progress: Tested: {0.tested}, Passed: {0.passed}, " "MR Tested: {0.mr_tested}, MR Passed: {0.mr_passed}, " "Est Total: {0.estimated_total}, Row Count: {0.row_count}, Override Est Total: {1}" ).format(self.result_info, self.override_estimated_total) self.progresslog.debug("{}{}".format(self.id_str, self.progress_str)) # print a timing debug string if self.override_timeout: time_till_expiry = self.override_timeout - datetime.utcnow() else: time_till_expiry = self.expiration_timeout - datetime.utcnow() self.timing_str = ( "Timing: Started: {}, Expiration: {}, Override Timeout: {}, " "Elapsed Time: {}, Left till expiry: {}, Loop Count: {}" ).format( self.start, self.expiration_timeout, self.override_timeout, datetime.utcnow() - self.start, time_till_expiry, self.loop_count, ) self.progresslog.debug("{}{}".format(self.id_str, self.timing_str)) # check to see if progress has changed, if so run the callback progress_changed = any([ self.previous_result_info.tested != self.result_info.tested, self.previous_result_info.passed != self.result_info.passed, self.previous_result_info.mr_tested != self.result_info.mr_tested, self.previous_result_info.mr_passed != self.result_info.mr_passed, self.previous_result_info.estimated_total != self.result_info.estimated_total, self.pct != new_pct, ]) if progress_changed: m = "{}Progress Changed {} ({} of {})".format, new_pct_str, tested, est_total)) cb = 'ProgressChanged' self.run_callback(callbacks=callbacks, callback=cb, pct=new_pct, **clean_kwargs) # check to see if answers have changed, if so run the callback answers_changed = any([ self.previous_result_info.tested != self.result_info.tested, self.previous_result_info.passed != self.result_info.passed, ]) if answers_changed: cb = 'AnswersChanged' self.run_callback(callbacks=callbacks, callback=cb, pct=new_pct, **clean_kwargs) # check to see if new_pct has reached complete_pct threshold, if so return True if new_pct >= self.complete_pct: m = "{}Reached Threshold of {} ({} of {})".format, complete_pct_str, tested, est_total)) cb = 'AnswersComplete' self.run_callback(callbacks=callbacks, callback=cb, pct=new_pct, **clean_kwargs) return True if self.force_passed_done_count and passed >= self.force_passed_done_count: m = "{}Reached forced passed done count of {} ({} of {})".format, self.force_passed_done_count, tested, est_total)) cb = 'AnswersComplete' self.run_callback(callbacks=callbacks, callback=cb, pct=new_pct, **clean_kwargs) return True # check to see if override timeout is specified, if so and we have passed it, return # False if self.override_timeout and datetime.utcnow() >= self.override_timeout: m = "{}Reached override timeout of {}".format self.mylog.warning(m(self.id_str, self.override_timeout)) return False # check to see if we have passed the actions expiration timeout, if so return False if datetime.utcnow() >= self.expiration_timeout: m = "{}Reached expiration timeout of {}".format self.mylog.warning(m(self.id_str, self.expiration_timeout)) return False # if stop is called, return True if self._stop: m = "{}Stop called at {}".format, new_pct_str)) return False # update our class variables to the new values determined by this loop self.pct = new_pct self.previous_result_info = self.result_info time.sleep(self.polling_secs) self.loop_count += 1
[docs] def stop(self): self._stop = True
[docs] def _debug_locals(self, fname, flocals): """Method to print out locals for a function if self.DEBUG_METHOD_LOCALS is True""" if getattr(self, 'DEBUG_METHOD_LOCALS', False): m = "Local variables for {}.{}:\n{}".format self.methodlog.debug(m(self.__class__.__name__, fname, pprint.pformat(flocals)))
[docs]class ActionPoller(QuestionPoller): """A class to poll the progress of an Action. The primary function of this class is to poll for result info for an action, and fire off events: * 'SeenProgressChanged' * 'SeenAnswersComplete' * 'FinishedProgressChanged' * 'FinishedAnswersComplete' Parameters ---------- handler : :class:`pytan.handler.Handler` * PyTan handler to use for GetResultInfo calls obj : :class:`taniumpy.object_types.action.Action` * object to poll for progress polling_secs : int, optional * default: 5 * Number of seconds to wait in between GetResultInfo loops complete_pct : int/float, optional * default: 100 * Percentage of passed_count out of successfully run actions to consider the action "done" override_timeout_secs : int, optional * default: 0 * If supplied and not 0, timeout in seconds instead of when object expires override_passed_count : int, optional * instead of getting number of systems that should run this action by asking a question, use this number """ OBJECT_TYPE = taniumpy.object_types.action.Action """valid type of object that can be passed in as obj to __init__""" COMPLETE_PCT_DEFAULT = 100 """default value for self.complete_pct""" ACTION_DONE_KEY = 'success' """key in action_result_map that maps to an action being done""" RUNNING_STATUSES = ["active", "open"] """values for status attribute of action object that mean the action is running""" EXPIRATION_ATTR = 'expiration_time' """attribute of self.obj that contains the expiration for this object"""
[docs] def _post_init(self, **kwargs): """Post init class setup""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self.override_passed_count = kwargs.get('override_passed_count', 0) self._derive_package_spec(**kwargs) self._derive_target_group(**kwargs) self._derive_verify_enabled(**kwargs) self._derive_result_map(**kwargs) self._derive_expiration(**kwargs) self._derive_status(**kwargs) self._derive_stopped_flag(**kwargs) self._derive_object_info(**kwargs)
[docs] def _derive_status(self, **kwargs): """Get the status attribute for self.obj""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['attr', 'fallback'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) attr_name = 'status' fb = None self.status = self._derive_attribute(attr=attr_name, fallback=fb, **clean_kwargs)
[docs] def _derive_stopped_flag(self, **kwargs): """Get the stopped_flag attribute for self.obj""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['attr', 'fallback'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) attr_name = 'stopped_flag' fb = None self.stopped_flag = self._derive_attribute(attr=attr_name, fallback=fb, **clean_kwargs) self.stopped_flag = int(self.stopped_flag) self.stopped_flag = bool(self.stopped_flag)
[docs] def _derive_package_spec(self, **kwargs): """Get the package_spec attribute for self.obj, then fetch the full package_spec object""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['attr', 'fallback', 'obj'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) attr_name = 'package_spec' fb = None self.package_spec = self._derive_attribute(attr=attr_name, fallback=fb, **clean_kwargs) # get the full package object associated with this action h = "Issue a GetObject on the package for an action to get the full object" clean_kwargs['pytan_help'] = h self.package_spec = self.handler._find(obj=self.package_spec, **clean_kwargs)
[docs] def _derive_target_group(self, **kwargs): """Get the target_group attribute for self.obj, then fetch the full group object""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['attr', 'fallback', 'obj'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) attr_name = 'target_group' fb = None self.target_group = self._derive_attribute(attr=attr_name, fallback=fb, **clean_kwargs) # if the target group id is not 0, re-fetch the full group object if int( != 0: h = ( "Issue a GetObject on the target_group for an action to get the full Group " "object" ) clean_kwargs['pytan_help'] = h try: self.target_group = self.handler._find(obj=self.target_group, **clean_kwargs) self._fix_group(g=self.target_group) self.passed_count_reliable = True except: self.passed_count_reliable = False m = "{}Passed Count unreliable! Unable to find Actions Target Group: {}".format self.mylog.exception(m(self.id_str, self.target_group))
[docs] def _fix_group(self, g, **kwargs): """Sets ID to null on a group object and all of it's sub_groups, needed for 6.5""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) = None if g.sub_groups: for x in g.sub_groups: self._fix_group(g=x)
[docs] def _derive_verify_enabled(self, **kwargs): """Determine if this action has verification enabled""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self.verify_enabled = False package_spec = getattr(self, 'package_spec', None) ps_verify_group_id = getattr(package_spec, 'verify_group_id', None) vg = getattr(package_spec, 'verify_group', None) vg_id = getattr(vg, 'id', None) if ps_verify_group_id or vg_id: self.verify_enabled = True
[docs] def _derive_result_map(self, **kwargs): """Determine what self.result_map should contain for the various statuses an action can have A package object has to have a verify_group defined on it in order for deploy action verification to trigger. That can be only done at package creation/update If verify_enable is True, then the various result states for an action change """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) if self.verify_enabled: finished = [ 'Verified.', 'Succeeded.', 'Expired.', 'Stopped.', 'NotSucceeded.', 'Failed.', ] success = [ 'Verified.', ] running = [ 'Completed.', 'PendingVerification.', 'Copying.', 'Waiting.', 'Downloading.', 'Running.', ] failed = [ 'Expired.', 'Stopped.', 'NotSucceeded.', 'Failed.', ] else: finished = [ 'Verified.', 'Succeeded.', 'Completed.', 'Expired.', 'Stopped.', 'NotSucceeded.', 'Failed.', ] success = [ 'Verified.', 'Completed.', ] running = [ 'PendingVerification.', 'Copying.', 'Waiting.', 'Downloading.', 'Running.', ] failed = [ 'Expired.', 'Stopped.', 'NotSucceeded.', 'Failed.', ] self.result_map = { 'finished': {"{}:{}".format(, k): [] for k in finished}, 'success': {"{}:{}".format(, k): [] for k in success}, 'running': {"{}:{}".format(, k): [] for k in running}, 'failed': {"{}:{}".format(, k): [] for k in failed}, 'unknown': {}, } for k, v in self.result_map.iteritems(): v['total'] = 0 m = "{}Result Map resolved to {}".format self.resolverlog.debug(m(self.id_str, self.result_map))
[docs] def _derive_object_info(self, **kwargs): """Derive self.object_info from self.obj""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) m = "{}Package: '{}', Target: '{}', Verify: {}, Stopped: {}, Status: {}".format object_info = m( self.id_str,, self.target_group.text, self.verify_enabled, self.stopped_flag, self.status, ) m = "{}Object Info resolved to {}".format self.resolverlog.debug(m(self.id_str, object_info)) self.object_info = object_info
[docs] def run(self, callbacks={}, **kwargs): """Poll for action data and issue callbacks. Parameters ---------- callbacks : dict * Callbacks should be a dict with any of these members: * 'SeenProgressChanged' * 'SeenAnswersComplete' * 'FinishedProgressChanged' * 'FinishedAnswersComplete' * Each callback should be a function that accepts: * 'poller': a poller instance * 'pct': a percent complete * 'kwargs': a dict of other args Notes ----- * Any callback can choose to get data from the session by calling :func:`pytan.poller.QuestionPoller.get_result_data` or new info by calling :func:`pytan.poller.QuestionPoller.get_result_info` * Any callback can choose to stop the poller by calling :func:`pytan.poller.QuestionPoller.stop` * Polling will be stopped only when one of the callbacks calls the :func:`pytan.poller.QuestionPoller.stop` method or the answers are complete. * Any callbacks can call :func:`pytan.poller.QuestionPoller.setPercentCompleteThreshold` to change what "done" means on the fly """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self.start = datetime.utcnow() self.expiration_timeout = pytan.utils.timestr_to_datetime(timestr=self.expiration) if self.override_timeout_secs: td_obj = timedelta(seconds=self.override_timeout_secs) self.override_timeout = self.start + td_obj else: self.override_timeout = None clean_keys = ['callbacks', 'obj', 'pytan_help', 'handler'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) if self.override_passed_count: self.passed_count = self.override_passed_count m = "{}passed_count resolved override of {}".format self.mylog.debug(m(self.id_str, self.override_passed_count)) else: m = ( "{}Issuing an AddObject of a Question object with no Selects and the same Group " "used by the Action object. The number of systems that should successfully run " "the Action will be taken from result_info.passed_count for the Question asked " "when all answers for the question have reported in." ).format self.mylog.debug(m(self.id_str, self.obj)) self.pre_question = taniumpy.Question() = self.target_group self.pre_question = self.handler._add( obj=self.pre_question, pytan_help=m(self.id_str, self.obj), **clean_kwargs ) self.pre_question_poller = pytan.pollers.QuestionPoller( handler=self.handler, obj=self.pre_question, **clean_kwargs ), **clean_kwargs) self.passed_count = self.pre_question_poller.result_info.passed m = "{}passed_count resolved to {}".format self.mylog.debug(m(self.id_str, self.passed_count)) self.seen_eq_passed = self.seen_eq_passed_loop(callbacks=callbacks, **clean_kwargs) self.finished_eq_passed = self.finished_eq_passed_loop(callbacks=callbacks, **clean_kwargs) self.poller_result = all([self.seen_eq_passed, self.finished_eq_passed]) return self.poller_result
[docs] def seen_eq_passed_loop(self, callbacks={}, **kwargs): """Method to poll Result Info for self.obj until the percentage of 'seen_count' out of 'self.passed_count' is greater than or equal to self.complete_pct * seen_count is calculated from an aggregate GetResultData * self.passed_count is calculated by the question asked before this method is called. that question has no selects, but has a group that is the same group as the action for this object """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) # number of systems that have SEEN the action self.seen_count = None # current percentage tracker self.seen_pct = None # loop counter self.seen_loop_count = 1 # establish a previous result_info that's empty self.previous_result_info = taniumpy.object_types.result_info.ResultInfo() # establish a previous result_data that's empty self.previous_result_data = taniumpy.object_types.result_set.ResultSet() if self.passed_count == 0: m = "Passed Count of Clients for filter {} is 0 -- no clients match filter".format self.mylog.warning(m(self.target_group.text)) return False while not self._stop: clean_keys = ['pytan_help', 'aggregate', 'callback', 'pct'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) # re-fetch object and re-derive stopped flag and status h = ( "Issue a GetObject for an Action in order to have access to the latest values for " "stopped_flag and status" ) self._refetch_obj(pytan_help=h, **clean_kwargs) self._derive_stopped_flag(**clean_kwargs) self._derive_status(**clean_kwargs) # perform a GetResultInfo SOAP call, this ensures fresh data is available for # GetResultData h = ( "Issue a GetResultInfo for an Action to ensure fresh data is available for a " "GetResultData call" ) self.result_info = self.get_result_info(pytan_help=h, **clean_kwargs) # get the aggregate resultdata h = ( "Issue a GetResultData with the aggregate option set to True." "This will return row counts of machines that have answered instead of" " all the data" ) self.result_data = self.get_result_data(aggregate=True, pytan_help=h, **clean_kwargs) # add up the Count column for all rows # this count will equate to the number of systems that have started to process # this action in any way seen_count = sum([int(x['Count'][0]) for x in self.result_data.rows]) # we use self.passed_count from the question we asked to get the number of matching # systems for determining the current pct of completion new_pct = pytan.utils.get_percentage(part=seen_count, whole=self.passed_count) new_pct_str = "{0:.0f}%".format(new_pct) complete_pct_str = "{0:.0f}%".format(self.complete_pct) # print a progress debug string self.progress_str = ( "Progress: Seen Action: {}, Expected Seen: {}, Percent: {}" ).format(seen_count, self.passed_count, new_pct_str) self.progresslog.debug("{}{}".format(self.id_str, self.progress_str)) # print a timing debug string if self.override_timeout: time_till_expiry = self.override_timeout - datetime.utcnow() else: time_till_expiry = self.expiration_timeout - datetime.utcnow() self.timing_str = ( "Timing: Started: {}, Expiration: {}, Override Timeout: {}, " "Elapsed Time: {}, Left till expiry: {}, Loop Count: {}" ).format( self.start, self.expiration_timeout, self.override_timeout, datetime.utcnow() - self.start, time_till_expiry, self.seen_loop_count, ) self.progresslog.debug("{}{}".format(self.id_str, self.timing_str)) # check to see if progress has changed, if so run the callback seen_changed = seen_count != self.seen_count pct_changed = self.seen_pct != new_pct progress_changed = any([seen_changed, pct_changed]) if progress_changed: m = "{}Progress Changed for Seen Count {} ({} of {})".format, new_pct_str, seen_count, self.passed_count)) cb = 'SeenProgressChanged' self.run_callback(callbacks=callbacks, callback=cb, pct=new_pct, **clean_kwargs) # check to see if new_pct has reached complete_pct threshold, if so return True if new_pct >= self.complete_pct: m = "{}Reached Threshold for Seen Count of {} ({} of {})".format m = m(self.id_str, complete_pct_str, seen_count, self.passed_count) cb = 'SeenAnswersComplete' self.run_callback(callbacks=callbacks, callback=cb, pct=new_pct, **clean_kwargs) return True # check to see if override timeout is specified, if so and we have passed it, return # False if self.override_timeout and datetime.utcnow() >= self.override_timeout: m = "{}Reached override timeout of {}".format self.mylog.warning(m(self.id_str, self.override_timeout)) return False # check to see if we have passed the actions expiration timeout, if so return False if datetime.utcnow() >= self.expiration_timeout: m = "{}Reached expiration timeout of {}".format self.mylog.warning(m(self.id_str, self.expiration)) return False # check to see if action is stopped, if it is, return False if self.stopped_flag: m = "{}Actions stopped flag is True".format self.mylog.warning(m(self.id_str)) return False # check to see if action is not active, if it is not, False if self.status.lower() not in self.RUNNING_STATUSES: m = "{}Action status is {}, which is not one of: {}".format m = m(self.id_str, self.status, ', '.join(self.RUNNING_STATUSES)) self.mylog.warning(m) return False # if stop is called, return True if self._stop: m = "{}Stop called at {}".format, new_pct_str)) return True # update our class variables to the new values determined by this loop self.seen_pct = new_pct self.seen_count = seen_count self.previous_result_info = self.result_info self.previous_result_data = self.result_data time.sleep(self.polling_secs) self.seen_loop_count += 1
[docs] def finished_eq_passed_loop(self, callbacks={}, **kwargs): """Method to poll Result Info for self.obj until the percentage of 'finished_count' out of 'self.passed_count' is greater than or equal to self.complete_pct * finished_count is calculated from a full GetResultData call that is parsed into self.action_result_map * self.passed_count is calculated by the question asked before this method is called. that question has no selects, but has a group that is the same group as the action for this object """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) # number of systems that have FINISHED the action self.finished_count = None # current percentage tracker self.finished_pct = None # loop counter self.loop_count = 1 # establish a previous result_info that's empty self.previous_result_info = taniumpy.object_types.result_info.ResultInfo() # establish a previous result_data that's empty self.previous_result_data = taniumpy.object_types.result_set.ResultSet() while not self._stop: clean_keys = ['pytan_help', 'aggregate', 'callback', 'pct'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) # re-fetch object and re-derive stopped flag and status h = ( "Issue a GetObject for an Action in order to have access to the latest values for " "stopped_flag and status" ) self._refetch_obj(pytan_help=h, **clean_kwargs) self._derive_stopped_flag(**clean_kwargs) self._derive_status(**clean_kwargs) # perform a GetResultInfo SOAP call, this ensures fresh data is available for # GetResultData h = ( "Issue a GetResultInfo for an Action to ensure fresh data is available for a " "GetResultData call" ) self.result_info = self.get_result_info(pytan_help=h, **clean_kwargs) # get the NON aggregate resultdata h = ( "Issue a GetResultData for an Action with the aggregate option set to False. " "This will return all of the Action Statuses for each computer that have run this " "Action" ) self.result_data = self.get_result_data(aggregate=False, pytan_help=h, **clean_kwargs) """ for each row from the result data get the computer name and the action status for this row add the computer name to the appropriate action status in self.result_map """ for row in self.result_data.rows: action_status = row['Action Statuses'][0] comp_name = row['Computer Name'][0] known = False for s, smap in self.result_map.iteritems(): if action_status in smap: known = True if comp_name not in self.result_map[s][action_status]: self.result_map[s][action_status].append(comp_name) if not known: if action_status not in self.result_map['unknown']: self.result_map['unknown'][action_status] = [] if comp_name not in self.result_map['unknown'][action_status]: self.result_map['unknown'][action_status].append(comp_name) for s, smap in self.result_map.iteritems(): smap['total'] = sum([len(y) for x, y in smap.iteritems() if x != 'total']) # Use the total from the key defined in self.ACTION_DONE_KEY in self.result_map # this total will equate to the number of systems that have finished this action finished_count = self.result_map[self.ACTION_DONE_KEY]['total'] # we use self.passed_count from the question we asked to get the number of matching # systems for determining the current pct of completion new_pct = pytan.utils.get_percentage(part=finished_count, whole=self.passed_count) new_pct_str = "{0:.0f}%".format(new_pct) complete_pct_str = "{0:.0f}%".format(self.complete_pct) # print a progress debug string p = "{}: {}".format progress_list = [p(s, smap['total']) for s, smap in self.result_map.iteritems()] progress_list.append("Done Key: {}".format(self.ACTION_DONE_KEY)) progress_list.append("Passed Count: {}".format(self.passed_count)) self.progress_str = ', '.join(progress_list) self.progresslog.debug("{}{}".format(self.id_str, self.progress_str)) # print a timing debug string if self.override_timeout: time_till_expiry = self.override_timeout - datetime.utcnow() else: time_till_expiry = self.expiration_timeout - datetime.utcnow() self.timing_str = ( "Timing: Started: {}, Expiration: {}, Override Timeout: {}, " "Elapsed Time: {}, Left till expiry: {}, Loop Count: {}" ).format( self.start, self.expiration_timeout, self.override_timeout, datetime.utcnow() - self.start, time_till_expiry, self.loop_count, ) self.progresslog.debug("{}{}".format(self.id_str, self.timing_str)) # check to see if progress has changed, if so run the callback finished_changed = finished_count != self.finished_count pct_changed = self.finished_pct != new_pct progress_changed = any([finished_changed, pct_changed]) if progress_changed: m = "{}Progress Changed for Finished Count {} ({} of {})".format m = m(self.id_str, new_pct_str, finished_count, self.passed_count) cb = 'FinishedProgressChanged' self.run_callback(callbacks=callbacks, callback=cb, pct=new_pct, **clean_kwargs) # check to see if new_pct has reached complete_pct threshold, if so return True if new_pct >= self.complete_pct: m = "{}Reached Threshold for Finished Count of {} ({} of {})".format m = m(self.id_str, complete_pct_str, finished_count, self.passed_count) cb = 'FinishedAnswersComplete' self.run_callback(callbacks=callbacks, callback=cb, pct=new_pct, **clean_kwargs) return True # check to see if override timeout is specified, if so and we have passed it, return # False if self.override_timeout and datetime.utcnow() >= self.override_timeout: m = "{}Reached override timeout of {}".format self.mylog.warning(m(self.id_str, self.override_timeout)) return False # check to see if we have passed the actions expiration timeout, if so return False if datetime.utcnow() >= self.expiration_timeout: m = "{}Reached expiration timeout of {}".format self.mylog.warning(m(self.id_str, self.expiration)) return False # check to see if action is stopped, if it is, return False if self.stopped_flag: m = "{}Actions stopped flag is True".format self.mylog.warning(m(self.id_str)) return False # check to see if action is not active, if it is not, False if self.status.lower() not in self.RUNNING_STATUSES: m = "{}Action status is {}, which is not one of: {}".format m = m(self.id_str, self.status, ', '.join(self.RUNNING_STATUSES)) self.mylog.warning(m) return False # if stop is called, return True if self._stop: m = "{}Stop called at {}".format, new_pct_str)) return True # update our class variables to the new values determined by this loop self.finished_pct = new_pct self.finished_count = finished_count self.previous_result_info = self.result_info self.previous_result_data = self.result_data time.sleep(self.polling_secs) self.loop_count += 1
[docs]class SSEPoller(QuestionPoller): """A class to poll the progress of a Server Side Export. The primary function of this class is to poll for status of server side exports. Parameters ---------- handler : :class:`pytan.handler.Handler` PyTan handler to use for GetResultInfo calls export_id : str * ID of server side export polling_secs : int, optional * default: 2 * Number of seconds to wait in between status check loops timeout_secs : int, optional * default: 600 * timeout in seconds for waiting for status completion, 0 does not time out """ STR_ATTRS = [ 'export_id', 'polling_secs', 'timeout_secs', 'sse_status', ] """Class attributes to include in __str__ output""" POLLING_SECS_DEFAULT = 2 """default value for self.polling_secs""" TIMEOUT_SECS_DEFAULT = 600 """default value for self.timeout_secs""" export_id = None """The export_id for this poller""" def __init__(self, handler, export_id, **kwargs): self.methodlog = logging.getLogger("method_debug") self.DEBUG_METHOD_LOCALS = kwargs.get('debug_method_locals', False) self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self.setup_logging() if not isinstance(handler, pytan.handler.Handler): m = "{} is not a valid handler instance! Must be a: {!r}".format raise pytan.exceptions.PollingError(m(type(handler), pytan.handler.Handler)) self.handler = handler self.export_id = export_id self.polling_secs = kwargs.get('polling_secs', self.POLLING_SECS_DEFAULT) self.timeout_secs = kwargs.get('timeout_secs', self.TIMEOUT_SECS_DEFAULT) self.id_str = "ID '{}': ".format(export_id) self.poller_result = None self.sse_status = "Not yet run" self._post_init(**kwargs)
[docs] def _post_init(self, **kwargs): """Post init class setup""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) pass
[docs] def get_sse_status(self, **kwargs): """Function to get the status of a server side export Constructs a URL via: export/${export_id}.status and performs an authenticated HTTP get """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['url'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) export_id = kwargs.get('export_id', self.export_id) short_url = 'export/{}.status'.format(export_id) full_url = self.handler.session._full_url(url=short_url) h = "Perform an HTTP get to retrieve the status of a server side export" clean_kwargs['pytan_help'] = clean_kwargs.get('pytan_help', h) ret = self.handler.session.http_get(url=short_url, **clean_kwargs).strip() # print a progress debug string progress_str = "Server Side Export Progress: '{}' from URL: {}".format progress_str = progress_str(ret, full_url) self.progresslog.debug("{}{}".format(self.id_str, progress_str)) return ret
[docs] def get_sse_data(self, **kwargs): """Function to get the data of a server side export Constructs a URL via: export/${export_id}.gz and performs an authenticated HTTP get """ self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) clean_keys = ['url'] clean_kwargs = pytan.utils.clean_kwargs(kwargs=kwargs, keys=clean_keys) export_id = kwargs.get('export_id', self.export_id) short_url = 'export/{}.gz'.format(export_id) full_url = self.handler.session._full_url(url=short_url) h = "Perform an HTTP get to retrieve the data of a server side export" clean_kwargs['pytan_help'] = clean_kwargs.get('pytan_help', h) ret = self.handler.session.http_get(url=short_url, **clean_kwargs) # print a progress debug string progress_str = "Server Side Export Data Length: {} from URL: {}".format progress_str = progress_str(len(ret), full_url) self.progresslog.debug("{}{}".format(self.id_str, progress_str)) return ret
[docs] def run(self, **kwargs): """Poll for server side export status""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) self.start = datetime.utcnow() if self.timeout_secs: td_obj = timedelta(seconds=self.timeout_secs) self.timeout = self.start + td_obj else: self.timeout = None self.sse_status_completed = self.sse_status_has_completed_loop(**kwargs) self.poller_result = all([self.sse_status_completed]) return self.poller_result
[docs] def sse_status_has_completed_loop(self, **kwargs): """Method to poll the status file for a server side export until it contains 'Completed'""" self._debug_locals(sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, locals()) # loop counter self.loop_count = 1 # establish a previous result_info that's empty self.previous_sse_status = '' while not self._stop: # get the SSE status self.sse_status = self.get_sse_status(**kwargs) # print a timing debug string if self.timeout: time_till_expiry = self.timeout - datetime.utcnow() else: time_till_expiry = 'Never' self.timing_str = ( "Timing: Started: {}, Timeout: {}, Elapsed Time: {}, Left till expiry: {}, " "Loop Count: {}" ).format( self.start, self.timeout, datetime.utcnow() - self.start, time_till_expiry, self.loop_count, ) self.progresslog.debug("{}{}".format(self.id_str, self.timing_str)) # check to see if progress has changed, if so print progress log info progress_changed = any([ self.previous_sse_status != self.sse_status, ]) if progress_changed: m = "{}Progress Changed: '{}'".format, self.sse_status)) if 'failed' in self.sse_status.lower(): m = "{}Server Side Export Failed: '{}'".format raise pytan.exceptions.ServerSideExportError(m(self.id_str, self.sse_status)) if 'completed' in self.sse_status.lower(): m = "{}Server Side Export Completed: '{}'".format, self.sse_status)) return True # check to see if timeout is specified, if so and we have passed it, return # False if self.timeout and datetime.utcnow() >= self.timeout: m = "{}Reached timeout of {}".format self.mylog.warning(m(self.id_str, self.timeout)) return False # if stop is called, return True if self._stop: m = "{}Stop called at {}".format, self.sse_status)) return False # update our class variables to the new values determined by this loop self.previous_sse_status = self.sse_status time.sleep(self.polling_secs) self.loop_count += 1