Source code for pytan.exceptions

# -*- mode: Python; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
# ex: set tabstop=4
# Please do not change the two lines above. See PEP 8, PEP 263.
"""Provides exceptions for the :mod:`pytan` module."""
import sys

# disable python from creating .pyc files everywhere
sys.dont_write_bytecode = True

[docs]class HandlerError(Exception): """Exception thrown for errors in :mod:`pytan.handler`""" pass
[docs]class HumanParserError(Exception): """Exception thrown for errors while parsing human strings from :mod:`pytan.handler`""" pass
[docs]class DefinitionParserError(Exception): """Exception thrown for errors while parsing definitions from :mod:`pytan.handler`""" pass
[docs]class RunFalse(Exception): """Exception thrown when run=False from :func:`pytan.handler.Handler.deploy_action`""" pass
[docs]class PytanHelp(Exception): """Exception thrown when printing out help""" pass
[docs]class PollingError(Exception): """Exception thrown for errors in :mod:`pytan.polling`""" pass
[docs]class TimeoutException(Exception): """Exception thrown for timeout errors in :mod:`pytan.polling`""" pass
[docs]class HttpError(Exception): """Exception thrown for HTTP errors in :mod:`pytan.sessions`""" pass
[docs]class AuthorizationError(Exception): """Exception thrown for authorization errors in :mod:`pytan.sessions`""" pass
[docs]class BadResponseError(Exception): """Exception thrown for BadResponse messages from Tanium in :mod:`pytan.sessions`""" pass
[docs]class NotFoundError(Exception): """Exception thrown for Not Found messages from Tanium in :mod:`pytan.handler`""" pass
[docs]class VersionMismatchError(Exception): """Exception thrown for version_check in :mod:`pytan.utils`""" pass
[docs]class UnsupportedVersionError(Exception): """Exception thrown for version checks in :mod:`pytan.handler`""" pass
[docs]class ServerSideExportError(Exception): """Exception thrown for server side export errors in :mod:`pytan.handler`""" pass
[docs]class VersionParseError(Exception): """Exception thrown for server version parsing errors in :mod:`pytan.handler`""" pass
[docs]class ServerParseError(Exception): """Exception thrown for server parsing errors in :mod:`pytan.handler`""" pass
[docs]class PickerError(Exception): """Exception thrown for picker errors in :mod:`pytan.handler`""" pass